Mittwoch, 29. August 2007

Strange Adventures #205

Strange Adventures #205 (On Sale: August 29, 1967) is a classic masterpiece, the introduction of Arnold Drake's Deadman in a chilling and brilliant cover by Carmine Infantino and George Roussos, featuring what Drake called, "the best bit of writing I ever did," the caption:

"This man who was just murdered is our hero! His story begins on minute later -- Introducing... Deadman"

Inside we have the wonderful "Who Has Been Lying in My Grave?" by Arnold Drake, Carmine Infantino and George Roussos. Boston Brand, a trapeze artist and minority owner of a circus, walks the circus grounds before his nightly performance as the aerialist Deadman. He discovers a local constable poking around the grounds and chases him away. He then discovers that Leary the barker is stealing from the box office. He also catches Heldrich the animal trainer getting drunk. He fires Heldrich, then heads to the big top.

After reaching the top of the trapeze, Boston is shot by a sniper with a hook for a right hand. He falls to his death. Then his astral form is met by Rama Kushna, a Hindu spirit goddess. Rama allows Boston to walk the Earth as a spirit until his killer is caught.

Boston, now truly a Deadman, begins the search for his killer by checking up on the circus performers. He discovers that he is invisible, but can temporarily take control of human bodies. While inhabiting the body of Tiny the strongman, Deadman discovers Heldrich and Ramsey, the constable, making a drug deal. Deadman stops the crooks, then resumes the search for the killer, the Hook. Reprinted in Brave and the Bold #97, DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #5 and Deadman #1.

I came late to Deadman, as I hadn't really started collecting comics till next month. but once I found him I quickly found all the old issues and was simply blown away by the concept and the execution. As far as I'm concerned, this book marks the beginning of the Infantino reign at DC and the beginning of my golden age of comics. New ideas, new characters, new concepts were all coming to DC and this book was the first shot across the bow of the stodgy old DC. My copy of Strange Adventures #205 was in very good shape when I bought it, but is now tattered and ragged after a multitude of readings. This was simply one of the best comics I ever read.

Jack Miller takes over as Editor.

Detective Comics #368

Detective Comics #368 (On Sale: August 29, 1967) has a very cool cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson.

"7 Wonder Crimes of Gotham City" is by Gardner Fox, Sheldon Moldoff and Joe Giella. Batman and Robin respond to a robbery at a hockey arena. The gang escapes, but they leave behind a giant mascot with the number seven on his back. When the crooks strike again at an architectural fair using a bright light to blind everyone around them, Batman and Robin use snow goggles to shield their eyes. They manage to catch a few of the crooks, but the mastermind of the gang escapes.

Next the crooks use a giant Batman prop to create infrared light which enables them to see during a blackout. Again, Batman and Robin fail to stop the gang, but they are able to detect a pattern in the crimes. The crooks are basing their crimes on the seven wonders of the ancient world. Reprinted in Batman #258

The Elongated Man back-up "The Treacherous Time-Trap" is by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane and Sid Greene. While visiting Ivy Town, Ralph Dibny stops in the clock shop of Anton Teljas to repair his watch. Inside the shop he discovers that the Atom has been trapped in a booby-trapped clock by Chronos. The Elongated Man is able to help the Atom escape the trap and disarm the bomb. Atom then goes after Chronos alone.

Not wishing to be left out of the action, Ralph follows the Tiny Titan to find Chronos. While the Atom defeats Chronos, the Elongated Man discovers a gang of thieves trying to steal from the crook's lab. Reprinted in Showcase Presents the Elongated Man Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Adventure Comics #361

Adventure Comics #361 (On Sale: August 29, 1967) has a Curt Swan and George Klein cover, but this one is obviously the third Adventure cover that is based on a design by Neal Adams. Swan never drew figures like this, especially the position and shape of the character's legs. Adams would do a similar cover for Adventure in six months.

Inside "The Unkillables" is by Jim Shooter, Curt Swan and Jim Mooney. After two decades of war between the United Planets and a confederation of worlds called the Dominion, the latter sues for peace. As anti-Dominion feelings run high on Earth, the President calls upon the Legion to ensure their ambassadors' safe arrival. The heroes are sent to the neutral planet, Politor, where they meet the Dominators. Under orders from the President, the Legion is to transport the Dominators' ambassadors through the 10th dimension. This is a sub-universe in which a billion-mile trip is reduced to only five hundred miles.

Meanwhile, a costumed group of villains called the Unkillables prepares to attack. They enter the 10th dimension, intending to strike and weaken the caravan at periodic intervals before finally destroying it.

As the journey begins, the Legionnaires stop an arranged avalanche before making camp for the night. Shortly afterward, the Unkillables strike, destroying the party's supplies. Since Star Boy, who had been on guard duty, was distracted by a Dominator just as he was attacked, the heroes conclude that one of the ambassadors is aiding the Unkillables.

As the final stretch begins, the Unkillables suddenly launch themselves at the entourage from volcanic craters. The Legionnaires, weary from their constant vigilance, fight back. The leader of the Unkillables then produces his ultimate weapon, a ray which causes the Legionnaires' powers to be switched at random from member to member. In the resulting confusion, he hurls a suspended-animation bomb at the Dominators. Brainiac 5, now possessing Superboy's powers, blows it back at him, and it explodes, paralyzing the villain.

The leader is then revealed as the Dominators' deposed ruler, who sought to use the Unkillables for revenge. The Unkillables, who are found to be descendants of infamous assassins in Earth history, were turned into killers by one of his machines. Reprinted in Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 7 HC.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Action Comics #355

Action Comics #355 (On Sale: August 29, 1967) has a Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

Inside we have "The Mighty Annihilator" by Leo Dorfman and Wayne Boring. Continuing the story from last issue, Biochemist Karl Keller has been imprisoned in a forced labor camp after criticizing his country's leadership. Keller escapes after discovering some Kryptonian chemicals that when ingested give him an explosive punch. The scientist then comes to America where he becomes a boxer called the One Punch Kid. During one match, Superman disguises himself as Keller's opponent and is surprised when a punch knocks him down.

Later, Keller creates a costumed identity for himself called the Annihilator. He holds a grudge against Superman, since the Man of Steel did not free him from the labor camp. The Annihilator then becomes a super-villain and his punch is able to best Superman. The Man of Steel is forced to retreat in order to develop a strategy against his newest foe.

The back-up Supergirl story is "The Death of Luthor" by Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney and is a reprint from Action Comics #286. Luthor escapes from jail while Superman is away. He sets out to prove that Supergirl is only a robot. When he finds out that she is real, he creates a distraction designed to keep her away from a robbery.

Supergirl pursues Luthor, and he crashes his car. During the crash, Luthor is shot by a weapon of his own design. Supergirl searches the universe until she finds the means to bring Luthor back to life to fulfill his debt to society.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Dienstag, 28. August 2007

MovieMaker Magazine digs Asia Shock

There's a nice review of Asia Shock in MovieMaker Magazine Issue #70. They don't put that stuff online, so you have to just go buy the mag.

EDIT: OK, I scanned the review for virtual posterity. BTW, while I appreciate the praise, I disagree that the films reviewed were merely the usual suspects. Take a look at this list and decide for yourself.

Freitag, 24. August 2007

Brave and the Bold #74

Brave and the Bold #74 (On Sale: August 24, 1967) has a cover by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito featuring Batman and the Metal Men.

Inside we have Batman and the Metal Men in "Rampant Run the Robots" by Bob Haney, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. Doc Magnus and the Metal Men attend a robot convention in Gotham City. During the exposition, several robots begin committing robberies in town. Batman investigates and traces the robots back to the convention. Dr. Daedalus, a robot inventor, finds the cause of the rogue robot behavior. Only his own robot Icarus and the Metal Men appear unaffected.

Batman and the Metal Men then go in search of the criminal robots. Batman begins to suspect that the Metal Men are part of the criminal conspiracy. As evidence stacks up against them, he has them incarcerated along with Doc Magnus. Batman then continues his pursuit of the other robots.

The rogue robots then try to kill Doc Magnus. The Metal Men are forced to escape in order to save him. Batman then realizes that the Metal Men were framed. Reprinted in Showcase Presents the Brave and the Bold Batman Team-Ups Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Girls' Romances #128

Girls' Romances #128 (On Sale: August 24, 1967) has an interesting cover by Jay Scott Pike.

Inside we begin with "I Wish I Could Love You" by persons unknown, followed by "Don't Stop Loving Me" a reprint from Secret Hearts #69 by Arthur Peddy and Bernard Sachs. Lastly is our cover story, continued from last issue: "We'll Never Meet Again Part II" drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

As usual we have not a lot of detail in the romance books. However, there is something I find interesting about this particular book.

The "arms held back, breasts pushed forward" shot utilized on this cover was a popular one over the years. Check out this beautiful Neal Adams All-Star Western cover for another example. In the interior of this book the wonderful and never forgotten Gray Morrow did another version of this scene which also prominently featured an incredible thrusting chest.

Edited by Barbara Friedlander.

Green Lantern #56

Green Lantern #56 (On Sale: August 24, 1967) features another Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson cover.

"The Green Lanterns' Fight for Survival" is by John Broome and Gil Kane. Continuing from last issue, Green Lantern and Charley Vicker join the fight against several cosmic criminals led by Al Magone. GL battles Ahsez, a foe who has already killed three members of the Green Lantern Corps. Though temporarily blinded by a blow to the head, GL is able to prevail against his opponent.

Charley battles a different opponent. His inexperience nearly causes him to lose the battle until his foe boasts of killing another Earthman. Charley realizes that this alien killed his brother. Emotion gives Charley new strength, and he triumphs over his brother's killer.

Hal and Charley then join Tomar-Re, who has won his own battle, to track down the source of the mini-nucelo energy which is counteracting their power rings. They locate Al Magone, the Earthman responsible for releasing the criminals. Hal battles Magone's robot bodyguard Dalbo. When he is finally victorious, Hal discovers that the robot was the power source.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Heart Throbs #110

Heart Throbs #110 (On Sale: August 24, 1967) has another interesting cover by Jay Scott Pike. The inking on this one is an unusual style for Pike.

Inside we begin with "How Can I Forget His Face?" drawn by Winslow Mortimer, followed by "Hand-Me-Down Love" a reprint from Secret Hearts #71 and inked by Bernard Sachs. Lastly is our cover story "3 Girls -- Their Lives...Their Loves, Episode 9" once again drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

Edited by Barbara Friedlander.

Mittwoch, 22. August 2007

Fox and the Crow #106

Fox and the Crow #106 (On Sale: August 22, 1967) has a Stanley and his Monster cover most likely by Winslow Mortimer.

Inside we have a Stanley and his Monster story, "The Man Who Un-Made Monsters" by Arnold Drake and Winslow Mortimer. It is followed by a titleless story and "Rocky Road to Riches." Both of these are Fox and Crow stories from persons unknown.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Metal Men #28

Metal Men #28 (On Sale: August 22, 1967) features a Ross Andru and Mike Esposito cover.

"You Can't Trust a Robot" is by Robert Kanigher, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. The Metal Men stop a gang of bandits known as the Leopard Mask Gang. The gang leader escapes only to visit Doc's lab and steal a group of evil Metal Men, which Doc had developed for army research. Doc tries to stop the crook, but is struck in the head.

The Metal Men return to the lab just as the villain is leaving. They are defeated by their evil duplicates. Doc has amnesia, so Tina stays behind while her teammates split up to search for the evil robots.

This week Mark Evanier has a fascinating item on his blog, News From Me, regarding the creation of the Metal Men and the strange habits of their creator, Robert Kanigher. Worthwhile reading for sure!

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #106

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #106 (On Sale: August 22, 1967) has a Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

Inside we have "The Lone Wolf Legionnaire Reporter" by Jim Shooter and Pete Costanza. Jimmy is summoned to the 30th century to help with an issue of the Legion News Bulletin. Jimmy finds it difficult to gather news stories, but is able to setup an interview with the Science Police Chief. On the way, Jimmy is forced to rescue a child who has fallen on a train track. Jimmy saves the child, but then discovers that it's only a doll. The delay makes him miss his scheduled interview.

Next Jimmy visits a bank to report on their security procedures, but is forced to perform a rescue when a man is trapped in the vault. Next Jimmy visits a museum and accidentally triggers an alarm. He is barely able to escape from the guards.

Jimmy returns to Legion Headquarters and falls asleep without completing the issue. Reprinted in Best of DC #46 and Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 7 HC.

The back-up story is "Superman's Unluckiest Day" by Leo Dorfman, Curt Swan and George Klein. Superman battles an alien who uses super weapons against the Man of Steel. Jimmy Olsen helps Superman stop the alien who is caught in the blast of one of his own weapons. Superman tries to help the dying alien, who gratefully offers Superman a secret warning.

Later Horsehoe Harrigan visits the Daily Planet offices and offers money to charity if Superman will defy some popular superstitions on Friday the 13th. Superman appears hesitant and afraid of each task, leaving them to Jimmy. During the third task Superman warns everyone out of the area as a weapon materializes.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Swing With Scooter #9

Swing With Scooter #9 (On Sale: August 22, 1967) has what looks to me like a Joe Orlando cover.

Inside we have "A Frog Named Boris." I know that this book has a guest appearance by Alfred E. Neuman and looks to be drawn by Joe Orlando and Mike Esposito.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Freitag, 17. August 2007

Superboy #142

Superboy #142 (On Sale: August 17, 1967) sports a cover by Curt Swan and George Klein. Purple Gorilla Alert! Purple Gorilla Alert!

"Superboy Goes Ape" is written by E. Nelson Bridwell, penciled by George Papp and inked by Frank Springer. Superboy is exposed to Red Kryptonite. This time he is transformed into a monkey and is forced to work for an organ grinder. Lana buys a license for him and gains ownership. She intends to expose Superboy's secret identity, but before she can act a secondary effect of the Red Kryptonite causes Superboy to grow into a giant ape that menaces Smallville.

Miles away, Beppo the Super-Monkey sees Superboy with his super-vision. He comes to fight the super-ape, but is also exposed to the same piece of Red Kryptonite. Beppo changes into a double of Superboy possessing his intelligence too.

The second Superboy story, "The Shyest Boy in Town" is a reprint from Superboy #80 by Robert Bernstein and John Sikela. The school psychologist is worried about Clark Kent’s shy behavior, so she encourages the students and teachers to help build Clark’s confidence. Clark, wanting to maintain his shy personality to protect his dual identity, sabotages the attempts made to bolster his confidence.

After the students enlist Superboy to aid them with their campaign to help Clark, Clark shows up at school a changed person. He acts overconfident and downright rude to his fellow students. They realize that they miss the old Clark and despise his new personality.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Sugar and Spike #73

Sugar and Spike #73 (On Sale: August 17, 1967) has a cover by Sheldon Mayer.

Inside we have "Spike Finds His Trigger Finger" written and drawn by Sheldon Mayer.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Secret Hearts #123

Secret Hearts #123 (On Sale: August 17, 1967) has an odd cover by persons unknown.

Inside we have "A Stolen Dream" by persons unknown and "Love Me, Love Me Not" which is drawn by Mike Sekowsky and Bernard Sachs, and finally. "Reach For Happiness, Episode 14" which is drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

As usual with a lot of the romance books, there is not a lot of information.

Edited by Jack Miller.

House of Mystery #170

House of Mystery #170 (On Sale: August 17, 1967) has a Dial H for Hero cover by Jim Mooney.

"Thunderbolt's Secret Weapon" is the Dial H for H.E.R.O. story written by Dave Wood and drawn by Jim Mooney. While on a European cruise ship, Robby Reed overhears a coded radio message sent by agents of Thunderbolt. Robby becomes the super-hero Baron Buzz-Saw and tries to stop the criminal organization from stealing a construction machine known as Whrrr.

Robby fails to prevent the theft, but he continues to track them as another hero, Don Juan. He locates the crooks, disguised as gypsies, but the Spanish women nearby attack him. Robby changes to another hero, Sphinx-Man and follows the gang to their secret base.

The back-up feature is "The Martian Double-Cross" starring the Martian Manhunter and it's by Jack Miller and Joe Certa. Mr. V, the leader of Vulture, summons Marco Xavier to a meeting. He shows Xavier films on the Martian Manhunter in action. Each time J'onn is weakened temporarily. Mr. V instructs Xavier to find the cause of the weakness.

Since Xavier is really the Manhunter he is hesitant to tell Mr. V the truth. However, he realizes that they will figure it out eventually anyway, so he reveals that Manhunter is weakened by fire. Mr. V then prepares a special opponent to defeat J'onn using the new information.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Mittwoch, 15. August 2007

Blackhawk #237

Blackhawk #237 (On Sale: August 15, 1967) sports a pretty dramatic cover by the usual team of Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera.

Inside we have "The Magnificent Assassins" by Bob Haney, Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera, a continuation of last issue's story. The Blackhawks are forced to answer for the death of G.E.O.R.G.E. agent Johnny Vak after a mission goes bad. Each Blackhawks gives his own account of the mission to Mr. Delta who accuses the team of intentionally trying to sabotage the mission and kill Johnny. Following their testimony, the Blackhawks are suspended.

Johnny Vak, really an android agent, is repaired and sent to complete the botched mission alone. Seeking to restore their good names, the Blackhawks go against orders and follow Johnny to help him. When they find the location of Barbarossa, the enemy agent Johnny was sent to kill, the Blackhawks discover that Johnny Vak is really working with the criminal.

Edited by George Kashdan

Star Spangled War Stories #135

Star Spangled War Stories #135 (On Sale: August 15, 1967) has another great Russ Heath "War That Time Forgot" cover, botched by some really poor coloring and a logo that is just a tad too large.

Inside we have "Save My Life and Kill Me" by Robert Kanigher and Russ Heath featuring "War That Time Forgot."

The backup story is "There's No One Left" is by Bill Finger, Bob Forgione and Jack Abel and reprinted from G.I. Combat #57.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

World's Finest Comics #170

World's Finest Comics #170 (On Sale: August 15, 1967), AKA, 80pg Giant #G-40 has a past-up cover by Curt Swan, Dick Sprang and Stan Kaye featuring "Six Startling Sagas!"

Inside we begin with "The Star Creatures" from World's Finest Comics #108 by Jerry Coleman, Dick Sprang and Sheldon Moldoff. Batman and Robin track two missing crooks in an area just outside Gotham City where they vanished into a green mist. There they encounter a strange alien creature, which sends a robot army to attack Gotham. Superman arrives to help take on the creature while Batman stops the army. The creature then disappears in another green mist.

More strange alien creatures appear to confront the heroes. The creatures are robots controlled by an alien film-maker, who is filming Superman and Batman’s exploits. He has captured the two hoods, but an accident allows them to escape. They tie up the alien and use his technology to rob a bank.

Next we have "The Super-Mystery of Metropolis" from World's Finest Comics #84 by Edmond Hamilton, Dick Sprang and Stan Kaye. Small-time crook Thad Linnis tells Superman to leave town for two weeks, or he will expose Superman’s secret identity. When the Man of Steel disappears, Batman is called in to find him. The Caped Crusader tracks down his friend and asks him to explain.

Superman reveals that when he was Superboy, Linnis hired a young boy to learn his secret. The boy followed Clark and Superboy around and eventually got the Boy of Steel’s fingerprints. Superboy was unable to get them back from Linnis and now the crook had cashed in on his knowledge.

Batman explains that he was that young boy. As Bruce Wayne he had come to Smallville to prove himself as a detective.

Next up is "The Menace of Superman's Pet" from World's Finest Comics #112 by Jerry Coleman, Dick Sprang and Sheldon Moldoff. While deflecting a comet in space, Superman encounters an cute alien creature which follows the Man of Steel like a pet. When he returns to Earth to help Batman and Robin, catch a gang of criminals called the Wreckers, the pet imitates Superman’s actions, unknowingly causing destruction.

Superman tries to lose the creature, but it’s powers allow it to follow him. He finally flies away invisibly at high speed. Once out of sight, the creature grows to tremendous size and causes more destruction. When the Man of Steel returns, the creature returns to normal.

The creature’s interference makes it difficult to catch the Wreckers, so Superman decides to search for the pet’s home, while the Dynamic Duo handle the criminals. While searching in space, Superman encounters a large Kryptonite meteor which makes him helpless.

This is followed by "Batman and Superman, Swamis Inc." from World's Finest Comics #73 by Edmond Hamilton, Curt Swan and Stan Kaye. Batman disguises himself as a carnival swami in order to lure a criminal gang leader out of hiding. Superman agrees to help make the swami’s predictions come true. The ruse lures the gang out of hiding, but they capture Robin and use him to lure Batman into a trap.

Next we have "The Boy from Outer Space" from World's Finest Comics #92 by Edmond Hamilton, Dick Sprang and Stan Kaye. Superman finds a boy with amnesia in a crashed spaceship. The boy has super-powers. Superman names him Skyboy and takes him as a junior partner.

Batman and Robin investigate some copper thefts committed by super-powered thieves. They suspect that Skyboy may be working with them. When Skyboy’s fingerprints match those found at the crime scene, he appears to be responsible.

Lastly we have "The Duplicate Man" from World's Finest Comics #106 by Bill Finger, Dick Sprang and Sheldon Moldoff. Batman and Robin encounter a new criminal, Duplicate Man, who can split himself into two people, and then revert back into one. Duplicate Man commits several thefts and is able to avoid capture from Batman and Superman as well.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Montag, 6. August 2007

The H-Man

Finally got to see this gem of Toho weirdness from 1958. Once again, nuclear fallout has done nasty things, this time turning people into slime that can reconstitute into ghostly, green, glowing glob-men. Intermixed with the horror/sci-fi is a police procedural involving a yakuza gang, one of whose members is a very young Makoto Sato (above, right) in his film debut. The cops include kaiju/samurai regulars Akihiko Hirata and Yoshio Tsuchiya. Great flick, with all the creeping, existential dread of Matango (aka Attack of the Mushroom People) and dialog like this: "The high voltage discharge unit, once deployed, will stop liquid human infiltration upstream at these checkpoints." Unfortunately, dear reader, you will not be able to see The H-Man (aka Beauty and the Liquid Man) unless you're hooked into the Japanese film bootleg underground -- it's not available commercially, at least not yet. Shame that, as it's an absolute must-see for Toho fantasy film enthusiasts. Fortunately this blog is read by all the industry bigwigs, so I'm sure within weeks of this post Criterion, Image, Media Blasters, AnimEigo or some other outfit will be rushing this baby into production. Yeah, right after I turn to slime and drip down the walls of their corporate headquarters ...