Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007

Strange Adventures #207

Strange Adventures #207 (On Sale: October 31, 1967) features Neal Adams' first Deadman cover and his fifth cover of the month.

"What Makes a Corpse Cry?" is by Carmine Infantino (plot), Jack Miller (script) and Neal Adams (art). Deadman leaves the circus to search for his killer. He remembers an encounter at a night club prior to his death in which he was threatened by Rocky Manzel. Deadman returns to the club hoping to learn if Rocky was responsible for his murder. He takes over the body of Paul the bartender and discovers a counterfeiting operation under the club. Deadman's efforts get Rocky apprehended by the police and free Paul and his girlfriend Liz from Rocky's grip. Reprinted in World's Finest Comics #226 and Deadman #2.

The back-up story is "Man of a Thousand Shapes" by Joe Samachsom, Carmine Infantino and Bernard Sachs and is a reprint from Strange Adventures #66.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Detective Comics #370

Detective Comics #370 (On Sale: October 31, 1967) features a cover with the odd combination of Carmine Infantino and Neal Adams, two styles that do not really mesh well, at least here.

"The Nemesis from Batman's Boyhood" is by an unknown writer, Sheldon Modloff and Joe Giella. Batman and Robin encounter the Blitzkrieg Bandit, a crook who stays in town for two days before moving on to another city. Batman nearly has the crook defeated, then sees his face. Suddenly, Batman is unable to finish off his foe, which allows the bandit to escape.

After the fight, Batman explains to Robin that the crook is Bart Lambert, a former school bully that often harassed Bruce as a young boy. As a result, Bruce has a mental block that causes him to freeze up when fighting the bandit. During their next fight, the mental block kicks in again, and Batman is knocked unconscious.

Robin follows the Blitzkrieg Bandit to his hideout. When Batman regains consciousness, he receives a radio message from Robin indicating that Lambert has shot the Boy Wonder.

The back-up story is "Case of the Colorless Cash" by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane and Sid Greene and stars the Elongated Man. After a series of armored car robberies, the Elongated Man hides in the back of one of the cars during transport. When a cycle gang tries to rob the truck, Ralph stops them. However, when the money is delivered, it has been replaced by colorless paper.

Puzzled, the Elongated Man returns home and finds that his wife Sue is in possession of a 20-dollar bill that has also lost all its color. Ralph returns to the bank and learns that the colorless paper was thrown away, but is now missing from the trash. Reprinted in Showcase Presents the Elongated Man Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Adventure Comics #363

Adventure Comics #363 (On Sale: October 31, 1967) features another Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

"Black Day for the Legion" is by Jim Shooter and Pete Costanza and continues from the previous issue. Fighting back, the Legionnaires defeat Morlo's Chemoids and capture the villain, while Superboy destroys the smog-maker. However, Morlo breaks free and leaps off the platform into a dense forest below, where Superboy's X-ray vision fails to spot him.

Meanwhile, Mon-El's party, including Element Lad, Sun Boy, Saturn Girl, Colossal Boy, and Lightning Lad, approaches Daxam, and is greeted by a deadly rain of alkali hailstones and ball lightning. Similar chemical storms have razed all major cities there, and the Legion learns that Mantis Morlo, operating from an undersea base in the Sea of Ornal, is responsible. The heroes penetrate his base and destroy all his weaponry, but the villain escapes in a submarine.

At the same time, Dream Girl and her comrades, Star Boy, Invisible Kid, Ultra Boy, Matter-Eater Lad, Chameleon Boy, and Phantom Girl, greet the High Assembly of her world, Naltor. They inform the Legionnaires that artificially induced food contaminates have given the populace bad dreams, and have thrown them into a panic. Ultra Boy flies into space, where he uses his penetra-vision to "peel" Naltor, layer by layer, until he finally finds the base of Mantis Morlo at its very core. The Legion rushes to capture him, but he succeeds in escaping. Chameleon Boy, whose antennae tingled when he stood near Morlo, stops the others from pursuing him.

During all of this, the real Dr. Morlo is safely ensconced in his orbital laboratory. He gloats over his victories, having used Chemoid doubles of himself to create disasters to lure the Legion to some of their home worlds. His real target is Earth, and he paints a target on the globe, then launches a bomb to burn the planet to a cinder. Reprinted in Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 7 HC.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Action Comics #357

Action Comics #357 (On Sale: October 31, 1967) features another Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

"The Kryptonite Rumble" is by Leo Dorfman and Wayne Boring and is a continuation of the story from last issue. Having gained an explosive punch via Kryptonian chemicals the Annihilator, Jr. forces Superman to release his mentor, the Annihilator. The junior super villain then contacts his old gang and forms a new government cabinet. Superman is forced to back off to prevent an earth-shattering explosion.

Later, the Annihilator discovers that the Kryptonian chemicals have weakened his heart. He creates a cure, but when he tries to give it to Pete, the boy believes his mentor is trying to betray him. The Annihilator is then thrown out of the White House.

Pete and his gang then set a Kryptonite trap for Superman. Pete knows that his explosive power is wearing off, so he forces the Man of Steel to supply the chemicals needed to restore his power.

Wayne Boring is fired after this issue and will only do a single Superman story in 1970 until returning to DC for six stories beginning in 1984.

The back-up story is "Supergirl's Secret Marriage" by Otto Binder and Jim Mooney. Linda Danvers leaves Stanhope for the weekend and meet Joaquin Jarl, a man who claims that he is her husband. Joaquin knows that she is Supergirl and has several items to prove his story. He believes that a recent exposure to Kryptonite has caused Supergirl to forget him.

Joaquin tells Supergirl that he is actually from the planet Zhonnia, which Supergirl visited a year earlier. After rescuing a young couple, Supergirl met Joaquin and they fell in love.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2007

World's Finest Comics #172

World's Finest Comics #172 (On Sale: October 26, 1967) has a rather drab Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

"Superman and Batman... Brothers" is by Jim Shooter, Curt Swan and George Klein. In this imaginary story following the death of his parents, Bruce Wayne is sent to live with the Kents in Smallville. Young Bruce and Clark Kent become brothers, though Bruce does not know that Clark is Superboy. Bruce trains and studies crimefighting techniques and eventually becomes a costumed crimefighter, Batboy. Clark thinks Bruce has become a criminal and confronts him after Bruce discovers that he is Superboy. Once the misunderstanding is resolved the two heroes become a team.

After several years, Bruce inherits Wayne Manor in Gotham City. Clark moves to Gotham instead of Metropolis and becomes a reporter for the Gotham Gazette. The two heroes continue their partnership until Luthor kills the Kents. Bruce, has now seen two sets of parents murdered, and decides to move away. Superman takes him into the future, where he continues fighting crime with the adult Legion of Super-Heroes. Reprinted in DC's Greatest Imaginary Stories TPB.

The odd back-up story for this issue is "Tank for Beach Green" from Our Fighting Forces #12 and is by Bob Haney and Joe Kubert.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Justice League of America #59

Justice League of America #59 (On Sale: October 26, 1967) sports a Mike Sekowsky and Sid Greene JLA cover.

"The Justice Leaguers' Impossible Adventure" by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky and Sid Greene. Five Justice League members are teleported to the planet Marithania by its rulers, the Impossibles, to have their super-powers taken away on the grounds that, whereas their fellow members have earned theirs, these members came by their abilities by mere chance. (Superman, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter gained their powers by accident of birth, Flash received his super-speed through an accident, and Wonder Woman's abilities were a gift of the goddess Aphrodite).

When the Impossibles' enemies, the Contras, attack, the powerless heroes are forced into battle, and actually benefit from their loss, because their various weaknesses have also disappeared. Reprinted in Justice League of America Archives Vol. 7 HC

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007

Brave and the Bold #75

Brave and the Bold #75 (On Sale: October 24, 1967) features the fourth Neal Adams cover of the month and Neal's first shot at doing Batman.

"The Grasp of Shahn-Zi" is by Bob Haney, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. Historians note, this story takes place on Earth-1, but does not explain how and/or why the Spectre, who lives on Earth-2, is visiting. Later stories reveal that there is an Earth-1 Jim Corrigan, but only one Spectre. Therefore, this story is considered the first appearance of the Earth-1 Jim Corrigan. If you don't know what all this Earth-1 Earth-2 mumbo jumbo means, don't sweat it.

Batman is a guest at a Chinese New Year party in Chinatown. The mayor of Chinatown, Bill Loo, admits that the old ways of his people are slowly changing as the new generations, like his son Danny, embrace modern culture. Shahn-Zi, a near-immortal river lord, is angered by this cultural transition. He seals off Chinatown from the rest of the city with a mystical barrier. He then tries to force Danny Loo to become his successor.

The Spectre is the only being capable of penetrating the mystical barrier. He enters Chinatown and joins with Batman to stop Shahn-Zi. While the Spectre battles the river lord directly, Batman acts to break the spell under which he has been put. Reprinted in Showcase Presents the Brave and the Bold Batman Team-Ups Vol. 1 TPB.

I owned this book for a while before I actually read it. As a kid this Adams' cover just scared the shit out of me.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Fox and the Crow #107

Fox and the Crow #107 (On Sale: October 24, 1967) features another Stanley and his Monster cover by Winslow Mortimer.

"Fatso Dugan, the Prehistoric Poop" by Arnold Drake and Winslow Mortimer and featuring Stanley and his Monster begins the issue.

It is followed by two untitled and uncreadited Fox and the Crow stories.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Heart Throbs #111

Heart Throbs #111 (On Sale: October 24, 1967) features another Jay Scott Pike cover, though this one looks more like Steve Ditko inked by John Romita.

We begin with "Unlock My Yearning Heart" pencilled by Manny Stallman, followed by "Give Love a Chance," a reprint from Falling In Love #14, inked by Bernard Sachs. We end with Three Girls -- Their Lives, Their Loves --Episode 10" pencilled by Jay Scott Pike.

Edited by Barbara Friedlander.

Swing With Scooter #10

Swing With Scooter #10 (On Sale: October 24, 1967) features cover by persons unknown.

"Luv Sick" maybe penciled by Joe Orlando but definitely inked by Mike Esposito, the girls battle over Scooter. Next is "The Day Sylvester Fell Out Of His Tree," where miserly Sly seems to starts giving everything he owns away -- but don't panic, it's only in hopes of winning a "Most Generous Teenager" contest. The issue ends with "Dream Date Show" and I have no credits for either of these last stories.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Freitag, 19. Oktober 2007

Behind Schedule

Things are behind schedule here and will be for a few more days. My mother had a stroke on the last night of our Mexican cruise, and right now I am spending most days in the hospital. I'll make things right here when I can.

Metal Men #29

Metal Men #29 (On Sale: October 19, 1967) features another Ross Andru and Mike Esposito cover.

Inside "The Robot Eater from Metalas 5" is by Robert Kanigher, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Flash #175

Flash #175 (On Sale: October 19, 1967) features an Al Plastino cover. This is the only Flash cover Plastino would do and is the last cover he would ever do for DC, ending twenty years as a DC cover mainstay. Not a bad way to end a run; the Flash figure is very nice.

"The Race to the End of the Universe" is by E. Nelson Bridwell, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito and features the second race between The Flash and Superman. Rokk and Sorban, two gamblers from Ventura (no, not on the California coast, the planet Ventura), take the Justice League hostage. They force Flash and Superman to race across the universe to settle a wager. To motivate the heroes, the gamblers threaten to destroy the home city of the loser. If the heroes refuse to race, they will destroy both Metropolis and Central City.

The race across the universe begins with the Flash protected by a special aura that allows him to survive in space. Superman is forced to make a detour around a red sun star system and makes a startling discovery on Ventura. Meanwhile, while separated from the Superman the Flash encounters several deadly hazards in his path.

Superman catches up and tries to convince Flash to abandon the race. Flash thinks it is a trick, until he receives a message from Green Lantern and Aquaman. Both heroes then abandon their race and return to Justice League Headquarters.

Rokk and Sorban then attack the heroes exhibiting super powers of their own. Reprinted in Limited Collectors' Edition C-48 and Superman Vs. Flash TPB

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Doom Patrol #116

Doom Patrol #116 (On Sale: October 19, 1967) features another Bob Brown cover.

Inside "Two to Get Ready... and Three to Die" is by Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani. Continuing from last issue, the reformed Madame Rouge joins the Doom Patrol's struggle against the mutant trio, as do Mento and Beast Boy. Splitting up, it is Robotman and Elasti-Girl who confront the mutants, only to be threatened by an even greater alien menace, the "Galactic Gladiator". The Gladiator's explanation of life on his homeworld, where mutants are the masters and normal humans are slaves, sickens the Earth mutants and they act to stop their own plan to destroy Earth by causing it to collide with a comet, perishing in the effort. Then the supposed alien is revealed as the Chief in a robotic disguise.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Batman #197

Batman #197 (On Sale: October 19, 1967) features another great Carmine Infantino cover, this one inked by Mike Esposito.

Inside "Catwoman Sets Her Claws for Batman" is by Gardner Fox and the unusual art team of Frank Springer and Sid Greene. This was Springer's first work at DC as just a penciler. Prior to this book Springer had inked three issues of Superboy and penciled and inked this month's Dial H for HERO story in the House of Mystery.

Catwoman has fallen in love with Batman and decides to impress him by giving up her life of crime and becoming a crimefighter too. She sees Batgirl as a rival for Batman's affection, so while stopping several robberies, Catwoman also tries to make a fool out of Batgirl.

After proving herself to be a superior crimefighter than her rival, Catwoman expects Batman to propose. When he doesn't Catwoman gives him an ultimatum. He must marry her, or she will return to crime. Batman still refuses, so she captures the Caped Crusader along with Robin and Batgirl. Reprinted in Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told Vol. 2 TPB and Showcase Presents: Batgirl Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007

Superman #202

Superman #202 (On Sale: October 17, 1967), AKA 80 Page Giant #G-42. features a Curt Swan and George Klein cover depicting the Tales of the Bizarro World theme.

First off we have "The Shame of the Bizarro Family" from Adventure Comics #285 by Jerry Siegel, Wayne Boring and Stan Kaye. The Bizarro family celebrates the birthday of Bizarro Jr. The next day at school, the boy is humiliated in school and becomes a family disgrace when he gives the correct answers in school.

Meanwhile, Superboy and Krypto break the time barrier and come to Bizarro World. The Bizarros capture them and make a Bizarro Krypto. They then force Superboy to play a twisted baseball game to determine the fate of Krypto. Superboy frees his pet, and the two return to their own time.

Bizarro Jr. still has not improved in school. He passes a test which gets him expelled. That night he dreams about several movie monsters. The next day he is honored by everyone because unknowingly while dreaming, Bizarro Jr. carved a version of Mt. Rushmore using the faces of Dracula, the Wolf-Man, Frankenstein, and the Witch-Queen.

Next we have "Bizarro's Amazing Buddies" from Adventure Comics #289 by Jerry Siegel and John Forte. Angry that Earth TV is ruining their children’s minds, the Bizarro’s vow to smash all TV sets on the planet. Bizarro No. 1 decides to make a TV show using historical monsters as the stars. He travels back into the past searching for information about monsters. Inadvertently, he is mistaken for the Abominable Snowman, Frankenstein, and the Devil.

Finally he arrives in the prehistoric age where Titano lives. He encounters the monster and is impressed. When he returns to Bizarro World, the children believe Bizarro is lying about Titano and is really referring to King Kong.

Third up is "Bizarro's Secret Identity" from Adventure Comics #288 by Jerry Siegel and John Forte. Bored with her daily life, Bizarro Lois Lane becomes a reporter at the Daily Htrae with her husband Bizarro. She is sent to find a story at the Bizarro jail where she meets Bizarro Kltpzyxm. The friendly imp gives Bizarro Lois super powers, and she becomes Stupor-Woman.

Using her powers, Bizarro Lois quickly becomes big news, as she helps the citizens of Bizarro World. Bizarro tries to guess the secret identity of Stupor-Woman, correctly believing it to be his wife. Although, she gives him plenty of evidence, it takes a while before he has proof.

Bizarro is angered by his wife’s actions as it is against Bizarro law to accept gifts from criminals like Bizarro Kltpzyxm. However, Mr. Mxyzptlk happens to be passing by Bizarro World and causes everyone to forgot about Stupor-Woman and removing her powers.

Next is "Bizarro Meets Frankenstein" from Superman #143 by Otto Binder, Wayne Boring and Stan Kaye. Bizarro travels to Earth to prove himself the scariest monster in the world. He is jealous that a new Frankenstein television show is claiming the monster to be the scariest, so Bizarro attacks the actor playing the role.

Bizarro then flies around the movie studio in an attempt to scare people. However, the people on the sets believe it is just Superman in disguise, so they laugh. Their laughter angers Bizarro, forcing the real Superman to trick his imperfect duplicate into leaving Earth by making it appear that people are scared of him.

The fifth story is "The Bizarro Invasion of Earth" from Superman #169 by Jerry Siegel and Al Plastino . Bizarro returns to Earth, bringing with him several of his Bizarro brethren. The imperfect duplicates decide to help Superman, so they fix things such as the Liberty Bell and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Then, Clark Kent and Lois Lane are held-up for the Daily Planet payroll. Bizarro smashes the Daily Planet globe, causing the letters to fall and strike the crooks.

Sixth up we have "The Bizarro Perfect Crimes" from Adventure Comics #291 by Jerry Siegel, John Forte and George Klein. Bizarro Lois Lane is kidnapped by three criminal Bizarros. The criminals force Bizarro Number One to commit perfect crimes for them in exchange for the return of his wife. They fly to Earth where Bizarro leads them to a junk pile which is considered valuable treasure by the Bizarros. Unsatisfied with stealing the junk, the criminals force Bizarro to commit more crimes.

Realizing that he will forever be forced to act as a criminal to serve the kidnappers, Bizarro leaves to think. When he returns, he leads them to a planet of coal, which is considered very valuable. The crooks tell him where Bizarro Lois is held, and he returns to Earth.

Lastly we have "Bizarro Creates a Monster" from Adventure Comics #292 by Jerry Siegel, J0hn Forte and George Klein. Bizarro sets out to locate a monster for a movie. He finds a cave-man on another planet and uses the duplicator ray on it to create Sapollo, a handsome man. The citizens are frightened by Sapollo’s appearance and only an insane Bizarro Lois Lane will kiss him. A movie is made which frightens the population even more.

Sapollo is forced to flee as the Bizarros chase the handsome monster. The insane Bizarro Lois helps him get to the Bizarro Fortress where the cave-man is held captive. Bizarro Kltpzyxm merges the two into one being again, and Bizarro No. 1 releases the cave-man.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Sugar and Spike #74

Sugar and Spike #74 (On Sale: October 17, 1967) features another Sheldon Mayer cover.

Inside "Revolt in the Nursery" is written and drawn by Sheldon Mayer.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Star Spangled War Stories #136

Star Spangled War Stories #136 (On Sale: October 17, 1967) features another Joe Kubert War That Time Forgot cover.

Inside "The Hot Rod of Death" is by Robert Kanigher and Jack Abel and features the War That Time Forgot.

The back-up feature is "The G.I. Who Cried Tank" featuring Sgt. Mule (I've never heard of this one) and is drawn by Jack Abel

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007

Hawkman #23

Hawkman #23 (On Sale: October 12, 1967) features another Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera cover.

Inside "The Hawkman from 1,000,000 BC" is by Bob Haney, Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera .

Edited by George Kashdan

Green Lantern #57

Green Lantern #57 (On Sale: October 12, 1967) features a classic Gil Kane and Sid Greene cover.

"The Catastrophic Weapons of Major Disaster" is by Gardner Fox and Gil Kane.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Girls' Romances #129

Girls' Romances #129 (On Sale: October 12, 1967) sports a cover penciled by Jay Scott Pike. Don't those inks look a lot like Dick Giordano?

Inside we have "I'll Come Back to You" by persons unknown, "Big City Cinderella" drawn by Jack Sparling, "The Magic of a Kiss" drawn by John Romita and our cover story, "What Makes a Man Fall in Love?" penciled by Jay Scott Pike.

Edited by Barbara Friedlander

Blackhawk #238

Blackhawk #238 (On Sale: October 12, 1967) sports an unusual cover by the usual team of Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera.

Inside we have "The Walking Booby-Traps" by Bob Haney, Dick Dillin and Charles Cuidera, a continuation of last issue's story. The Blackhawks are captured by the international criminal Barbarossa and the traitorous android G.E.O.R.G.E. agent, Johnny Vak. The team is knocked unconscious, then mysteriously released. When they return to G.E.O.R.G.E. headquarters they each discover powerful explosive implanted into the skulls. Though Mr. Delta places them under arrest for going off on their own while suspended, the team escapes in order to prevent the explosives from hurting others.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Piece in Rue Morgue

I wrote a one-pager for the big 10th Anniversary Halloween issue of Rue Morgue Magazine (October, 2007) reviewing Teruo Ishii's Horrors of Malformed Men and Nobuo Nakagawa's Snake Woman's Curse, both recently released by Synapse. It's on page 100. So run down to your local well-stocked kiosk or big box bookstore and get your copy today!

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2007

Young Romance #151

Young Romance #151 (On Sale: October 10, 1967) has a cover by Jay Scott Pike.

Inside we have "I Had No Right to Love Him," credits unknown. Next is "The Love That Was Mine" a reprint from Falling In Love #17 drawn by John Forte and Bernard Sachs. The issue ends with our cover story "Take Me Back" which is drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Tales of the Unexpected #104

Tales of the Unexpected #104 (On Sale: October 10, 1967) has a very dramatic cover by Neal Adams. When the mystery/horror craze hits in full stride over the next few years, Adams will be the guy who does the majority of the covers. Here is his first "mystery" cover for DC.

Inside we have "Master of the Voo-Doo Machine" by Carl Wessler and Bernard Baily which would later be reprinted in Unexpected #162, "I Was King of Dagger Island" drawn by the amazing Leonard Starr (known mainly for his 22-year run on the syndicated "On Stage")and reprinted from My Greatest Adventure #1 and finally "The 24-Hour Nightmare" drawn by Jack Abel.

Edited by Murry Boltinoff

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #107

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #107 (On Sale: October 10, 1967) has a Curt Swan and George Klein cover.

Inside we have "The Rise and Fall of Superman" by Cary Bates, Curt Swan and George Klein.

The back-up story is "The Captive of the Spidermen" by Richard Hughes and Pete Costanza.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

G.I. Combat #127

G.I. Combat #127 (On Sale: October 10, 1967) has a nice and dramatic Haunted Tank cover by Joe Kubert.

Inside we have "Mission – Sudden Death" by Robert Kanigher and Irv Novick featuring the Haunted Tank.

The backup story is "The Last Chance for Hobie" drawn bu Jack Abel.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2007

On Vacation

I'm leaving for a week in Mexico today, so some postings will be coming out early and some will be coming out late. We should be back on schedule in a week.

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007

Superboy #143

Superboy #143 (On Sale:October 5, 1967) sports a really wonderful Neal Adams cover, his first for the "Boy of Steel."

"The Big Fall" is written by E. Nelson Bridwell and drawn by Al Plastino. Plastino is another guy who is on his way out at DC. He has about six more months of work before he is let go after drawing Superman and the Superman family for 20 years, a victim of a style that cannot change with the times.

The second Superboy story, "Superboy's Civil War Time Trip" is a reprint from Superboy #91 by Jerry Siegel and George Papp. A Smallville celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the Civil War through a re-enactment includes the Kent family, Lana Lang, and Lex Luthor. Superboy travels into space to stop an alien missile, but when he returns to Earth he sees Clark Kent participating in the play. Knowing that it can’t be the real Clark, he watches and thinks that the explosion sent him into the past where he is seeing the real Civil War.

The people involved resemble the future residents of Smallville, except Clark is a spy, and the Luthor duplicate is a hero. Superboy tries to alter history, but in each case he is thwarted by fate.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Secret Hearts #124

Secret Hearts #124 (On Sale: October 5, 1967) has a pretty nice cover by Jay Scott Pike.

Inside we have "Sweet Mystery of Love" drawn by John Rosenberger and "Letters in the Sand" which is drawn by Arthur Peddy and Bernard Sachs. "Reach For Happiness, Episode 15" is drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

As usual with a lot of the romance books, there is not a lot of information.

Edited by Jack Miller.

House of Mystery #171

House of Mystery #171 (On Sale: October 5, 1967) has a Dial H for Hero cover by Nick Cardy. This is Nick's only cover this month. In a few years Cardy and Neal Adams will be doing the majority of the DC covers.

"The Micro-Monsters" is the Dial H for H.E.R.O. story written by Dave Wood and drawn by Frank Springer (#170 being Jim Mooney's last). The Doc Morhar's gang breaks into a chemical plant to steal rare chemicals. Robby Reed follows the crooks as King Viking. Robby smashes into their hide-out while Morhar is performing a chemical experiment. An accidental chemical spill causes Robby and the crooks to shrink into a microverse.

Robby encounters a race of sentient microbes bent on dominating the Earth. He tries to enlist Morhar's help in stopping the microbes, but the crook turns on him. Robby, in the super-hero form Go-Go is captured.

Doc Morhar leads the microbes to Earth and explains how to take over the planet.

The back-up feature is "The Martian Marauders" starring the Martian Manhunter and it's by Jack Miller and Joe Certa.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2007

Adventures of Bob Hope #108

Adventures of Bob Hope #108 (On Sale: October 3, 1967) has another nice cover by Neal Adams.

"The Ghost Riders of Gasoline Gulch" is written by Arnold Drake and drawn by Neal Adams. I don't own this one and don't know anything about the plot.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Atom #34

Atom #34 (On Sale: October 3, 1967) has a cool cover by Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson. I loved those Gil Kane "big hand" covers!

Inside we have "Little Man -- You've Had a Big-Gang Day" by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane and Sid Greene. I'm not sure why the Atom never caught on as a character. Shrinking down to sub-atomic size seems like it would open up a whole world of interesting stories, but the Atom never seemed that exciting. I don't know if the problem was secret identity Ray Palmer or a reliance on "bug-based" villains, but something just never worked right here. Certainly, the problem was not the artwork; Gil Kane was a master comic book illustrator of great invention.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Challengers of the Unknown #59

Challengers of the Unknown #59 (On Sale: October 3, 1967) sports a really cool Bob Brown cover. I have always thought that Brown's figure work on this cover is excellent, but I have also thought that he may have had a little help, particularly if you look at the backs of figures.

"Seekeenakee -- the Petrified Giant" is by Arnold Drake and Bob Brown and that's all I know about it.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Our Army at War #187

Our Army at War #187 (On Sale: October 3, 1967) has a "Sgt. Rock" cover by Joe Kubert.

Inside we have "Shadow of a Sergeant" by Robert Kanigher and Russ Heath featuring "Sgt. Rock."

The backup story "The Real Enemy in the Air" is by Robert Kanigher and Jack Abel.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Montag, 1. Oktober 2007

October 1967

DC published 32 comics this month. Here is the cover art breakdown:

Five covers by Neal Adams
Five covers by Curt Swan
Four covers by Jay Scott Pike
Three covers by Carmine Infantino
Three covers by Joe Kubert
Two covers by Bob Brown
Two covers by Dick Dillin
Two covers by Gil Kane
Single covers by Nick Cardy, Mike Sekowsky, Ross Andru, Win Mortimer, Sheldon Mayer and maybe Joe Orlando.

Wayne Boring will be fired this month, his last work at DC appearing in Action #367.

Neal Adams does his first cover with Batman, his first Deadman cover and his first cover inking over Carmine Infantino's pencils.