Freitag, 9. Mai 2008

Young Love #68

Young Love #68 (On Sale: May 9, 1968) has a cover by Jay Scott Pike over a Dick Giordano layout and it might be inked by Giordano as well.

Inside we have "Guardian of His Heart" and "The One I Loved" created by persons unknown. Lastly we have Lisa St. Claire in "Life and Loves of Lisa St. Claire" a new continuing series by created by Dick Giordano, written by Jack Miller and drawn by Jay Scott Pike.

My first guess was that all of these were inventory stories from Jack Miller's run as editor, but in searching for the cover credits I came upon this from an issue of Comic Book Artist in an interview with Dick Giordano by Jon B. Cooke:
"The Romance covers were the books I was allowed to design and they were the love of my life! That series (Young Love #68, "The Life and Loves of Lisa St. Claire") was adapted from a newspaper strip that I developed. Lisa is my daughter's name. The strip pitch never got presented to anybody but I had the first story written and some of it storyboarded. When I got Young Love to edit, I went to Jack Miller (whom I happened to like though I was told to ignore him) and gave him my notes and we went with it. And I got my favorite Romance artist to draw it, Jay Scott Pike."
Edited by Dick Giordano.

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