Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

Witching Hour #5

Witching Hour #5 (On Sale: August 19, 1969) has a cover by Nick Cardy.

We began with "The Witching Hour Has Arrived - And I Have A Chilling Tale To Tell!" which is the story wrapper penciled by Alex Toth wherein the witches test the backbone of Cynthia's college boyfriend with their eerie tales.

The first of those is "The Sole Survivor" introduced by Mildred and drawn by Bernie Wrightson. That is followed by "The Non-Believer!" which is a one-page horror story. Next is "A Guy Can Die Laughing" which is introduced by Mordred. "The Computer Game" is Cynthia's tale and it is followed by "My! How small You've Grown!" a one-page tale drawn by Sid Greene.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

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