Freitag, 7. Januar 2011


 Anyone else think it's funny that I did my first ever Steel fan art almost exactly one month before DC drops a new Steel one-shot by Steve Lyons (Dead Men Walking) and Ed Benes (Justice League of America: The Second Coming)? Somebody pass my info to the bosses over at DC, 'cause I don't believe in coincidences... plus, I got bills. So anyways, here's some preview pages...

I'm thinking Doomsday taps both their jaws on the next page...  I mean, let's face it, Doomsday beat Superman down to the white meat, so ole Steel here is gonna hafta go cerebral if he's gonna get out of this one without brain damage. One of those 'use it or lose it' deals...
yeah, so you can thank my man Wallruss for this. I had no idea at all about this book until I saw it on his blog. I may pick this up next time I'm at the comic shop. It's out now, so if you've read it, feel free to chime in... (if you missed my Steel drawing, peep it here)

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