Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

I know Everyboody Hates John Byrne, but STILL...

This sequence from John Byrne's Next Men #2 had me dying!


Federal agent Toni Murcheson is well-known in the NextMeniverse for handing out beat-downs, despite being one of the only characters in the book with no super-powers. She's like an older, cybernetics-free Misty Knight. Since you're pro'lly confused, that mess of black Kirby dots is some kind of involuntary time-travel thing that scattered the Next Men (and Toni) to the past, where she runs up on some good ole boys and nature takes its course.  My apologies to my neighbors who swear that the Confederate army was made up of fine upstanding heroes and who believe that slavery is a lie invented by Jesse Jackson... but this sample is hilarious.
You can get Next Men #2 at your local comic shop Wednesday January 12th, if you're so inclined...
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