Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Pharoahe Monch interview...

The mighty Pharoahe gives a shout-out to Wolverine... speaks on his relationship with hip hop's big names... his producers on the new record... discusses the significance of indie labels in hip hop...

This interviewer is a young dude who is clearly excited to be interviewing Pharoahe, and has followed him and his comments online. It's shaping up to be Pharoahe Monch week or something here at GhettoManga... I am definitely feeling the new record W.A.R. (We Are Renegades), which dropped this week (on my birthday). It really feels like an indie record. Maybe I'll write an actual review later... I gotta catch up on some drawing right now though...
If you haven't already, click here to listen to the whole record free (and legal) via the miracle of youTube, courtesy of Duck Down Records.

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