Donnerstag, 15. Juli 2010

DOOMWAR #6 preview art

So I copped this preview art from DOOMWAR #6 off'a CBR for you... looks like your man Victor Von Doom has whooped everybody and he's running through his obligatory pre-deathblow-delivery rant. Since these pages are unlettered, I will assume that the black dude with the tight pants and 'good' hair is T'challa, the Black Panther. I like how Doom's boys are rolling up on Obama in that double page montage... Doom pro'lly endorsed the other guy. Anyways, enjoy the pages

I feel like I need to give special props to Marvel for doing a story that involves so many heroes (I count the Fantastic Four, X-men, and members of the Avengers) without doing another massive company-wide crossover. I will not hold it against them that Deadpool appears for no reason at all, but if YOU want to, I'll understand... so yeah, DOOMWAR #6 arrives in comicshops Wednesday, August 4th. FYI, the hardcover collection of DOOMWAR has a release date of November 10.  You can save yourself some bread by pre-ordering it on Amazon.

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