Freitag, 16. Juli 2010

PREVIEW: Thunderbolts #146 (more Luke Cage)

In his silent bid to get a movie made, Luke Cage is taking over the Marvel Universe. In addition to helming the New Avengers and starring in his own miniseries, Luke is also the HNIC of the Thunderbolts now (who says brothas don't wanna work hard!?). But seriously, this book is dope! The combination of Kev Walker and colorist Frank Martin are MURDERING the art on this book (as is Darko Djurdjevic [i'm so glad this is a blog and not a podcast right now...] on the covers). And jiggety Jeff Parker is holding down the writing chores quite nicely... You'll get all the info you need in the preview below

nice! I've been an off-and-on fan of Thunderbolts from the start, and this looks to be a good stretch... Having heroes and villains on the same team -some wanting to reform, and others looking for an opportunity to betray others- makes for interesting chemistry when done right, and this creative team knows how to use action and quiet scenes equally well to establish and develop character.
Thunderbolts #146 will be at your comicshop on July 21st. (so will New Avengers #2 by the way... to peep that preview click here)


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