Sonntag, 12. September 2010

Robot 13 gets Worldwide Release!!!!

Robot 13 trade paperback cover
We're proud to let you guys know that the trade collection of Blacklist Studios' flagship miniseries Robot 13 is due to drop from Italian publisher BAO in October, and will be featured alongside the publisher's other American transplants Mike Allred's Red Rocket 7 and Jeff Smith and Charles Vess's Rose.
This release "represents BAO’s attempt to bring more attention to a title that is absolutely deserving of sitting on the same shelves as the works of such a parade of illuminati,” says Michele Foschini, Publishing Manager of BAO Publishing. “Thanks to the positive word of mouth on American fan press, BAO was the first foreign publisher to offer Blacklist an international deal, and is proud of the honor.”
As an enthusiastic member of the afore-mentioned  American fan press, I'm ecstatic to see the faceless hero of Robot 13 (and the silly sons-a-guns who chronicle his exploits) take his place among the constellations! Once more our friends in Europe show they have style, class and impeccable good taste! To get more info about the BAO/R13 release click here!


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