Mittwoch, 8. September 2010

PREVIEW: Millennia War Graphic Novel

By the time I found out about Ashley A. Woods' hella tight fantasy epic Millennia War, she had already let it out that she intended to collect the whole series into a trade paperback. In my scouring of the internet looking for info on the subject, I never found one negative comment about Millennia War, other than fans saying they couldn't wait for the next issue! So when I call this 224 page collection long-awaited and highly-anticipated, I know I'm not just tugging your chain. So what is Millenia War all about? peep the Sales Pitch and some preview pages below!

In the past, the Great War ripped the world apart and caused a lot of the races and species to fall into oblivion. The human race was the only one to come out supreme. Now, a thousand years later, a second Great War fueled by revenge is coming - only the humans of this day and age are no where near prepared for what they thought was only myth and legend.

This much anticipated novel is the perfect vehicle for those who have yet to become acquainted with this outstanding series. This 224 page ensemble consists of issues 0 - 6, a special original short story, and a myriad of other surprises. Join in on the mystery and adventure as Hannah and her friends embark on their quest to find and bring her sister, Saya, home, while fighting to prevent the "Second Great War" that threatens their world. Packed with action, themes of friendship, betrayal, and love, "Millennia War" is a story rich with fresh and captivating characters. 
I spoke to Ashley, who said she'd send me a copy to review, but you don't hafta wait on me... you can cop that joint off Indyplanet right now... just click here, fam!

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