Freitag, 30. November 2007

Strange Adventures #208

Strange Adventures #208 (On Sale: November 30, 1967) features just another wonderful Neal Adams Deadman cover. Oh how I loved the Eagle's costume and thought for sure that he was Boston's killer.

"How Many Times Can a Guy Die?" is plotted by Carmine Infantino, scripted by Jack Miller and drawn by Neal Adams. Sometime before his murder, Boston Brand had a brief association with an arrogant trapeze artist/acrobat called Eagle, who had initially been hired by Lorna Hill to help hype their show in St. Louis. But the rehearsals led to Eagle's attempted murder of Brand, a terrible fight between the two aerialists, and Eagle being kicked off the show by Brand. Eagle swore to get revenge on Brand. Now, Deadman thinks that Eagle could be his killer.

Much to his chagrin, Deadman discovers that Lorna has hired Eagle as the circus's new aerialist. When Eagle puts the moves on Lorna, Deadman inhabits Tiny's body and knocks Eagle down. A remark Eagle then makes about Brand being dead, just as he had warned him, leads Deadman to believe that Eagle is truly his killer. This story was reprinted in Deadman #2.

The back-up story is "Gorillas in Space" by Bill Finger, Carmine Infantino and Bernard Sachs and is a reprint from Strange Adventures #64.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Detective Comics #371

Detective Comics #371 (On Sale: November 30, 1967) has a cool Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson cover that I remember so very well as this was the first issue of Detective that I ever purchased, lo those 40 years ago.

"Batgirl's Costume Cut-Ups" is by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane and Sid Greene. Batgirl is upset with herself when her own feminine vanity delays her in a fight with the Sports Spoiler Gang. Batman and Robin are able to catch part of the gang thanks to Batgirl's efforts, but she feels embarrassed. Batgirl seeks to redeem herself against the gang, but when she makes a girly shriek, Batman and Robin are distracted during another fight.

Batgirl tries to find a way to suppress her femininity during crime fighting. Then she realizes that it can also be used to her advantage. During her next fight with the gang, Batgirl rips her tights. The crooks are so distracted by her beautiful legs, that they are easily defeated by Batman. Reprinted in Showcase Presents:Batgirl Vol. 1 TPB.

The back-up Elongated Man story, "The Bellringer and the Baffling Bongs," is by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky and Sid Greene. While visiting a California mission, Ralph Dibny is puzzled by a bell that rings without a rope attached. When he investigates, Ralph finds an injured man stumbling away from the mission. Sue drives the man to the hospital while the Elongated Man continues to look around.

Ralph discovers a gang of bank robbers retrieving some hidden loot from the mission. The gang attempts to tie Ralph in knots, but the Elongated Man prevails. However, he is unable to solve the case of the ringing bell.

When Ralph meets up with Sue again, she has an explanation. Reprinted in Showcase Presents the Elongated Man Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Adventure Comics #364

Adventure Comics #364 (On Sale: November 30, 1967) shows you how far some title need to progress to leave the past behind. Curt Swan and George Klein do the honors here.

"The Revolt of the Super-Pets" is by Jim Shooter and Pete Costanza. The animal members of the Legion of Super-Pets are playing in space when they detect remote-controlled crime machines headed for Earth. The Pets destroy the machines and fly to the Legion Clubhouse to warn the Super-Heroes, only to have the Legionnaires chastise them because they failed to trace the weapons to their point of origin. Leaving the Super-Pets and Saturn Girl to guard the Clubhouse, the heroes attempt to trace the machine's trail themselves. Upset over this treatment, the Pets depart after Saturn Girl gives them a telepathic charge so that they can communicate with each other.

The Super-Pets soon meet Rikkor Rost of the planet Thanl, who informs them that his world worships them, and hopes that they will accept his offer of a permanent home there. They accept, and he teleports them to Thanl.

Meanwhile, the Super-Heroes return to the Clubhouse to inform Saturn Girl that their attempt to trace the machines proved fruitless, and that they want to apologize to the Super-Pets. She leads them to Thanl, where the heroes note the many statues honoring the Pets. They find that the animals are now reluctant to leave, and when Chameleon Boy rashly grabs Proty, demanding his obedience, the Pets fight back, and send the defeated Legionnaires back to Earth.
Rikkor Rost suggests that the heroes may further plot against them, and so Super-Horse, now human because a comet is passing Earth, and a disguised Proty join the Legion as two new members, Biron the Bowman and Blockade Boy. The two are assigned the task of discovering the origin of the crime machines, and after the other depart, they use the Legion's computer to trace the weaponry to the planet Thanl. Reprinted in Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 7 HC.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Action Comics #358

Action Comics #358 (On Sale: November 30, 1967) is like a line of demarcation in the history of Superman covers. Neal Adams' dramatic staging of a grieving and distraught Superman is just a stunner. If you ever needed an indication that this was not your father's Superman, this cover was it.

Inside is a different story though as "Superman... Guilty of Homicide" by Leo Dorfman, Curt Swan and George Klein is only a marginal departure from the standard Superman fare. Members of the International Crime Exchange develop a plan to frame Superman for murder. Dr. Frost has created a method to temporarily resuscitate the dead. He uses the procedure on Bullets Stacey, a dead crook, now given about ten hours of new life. Before Stacey can meet Superman in a boxing match, his revived heart gives out, and he dies.

Ron Noble the chairman of the Crime Exchange volunteers to take Stacey's place. During an exhibition boxing match, Noble swallows a poison pill which kills him after a Superman punch. The hidden poison makes it look like Superman lost control of his powers and hit his opponent too hard.

Frost then complicates Superman's defense by posing as the coroner and further demonstrating Superman's lack of control. Superman is then taken into custody and will be tried for murder.

The back-up Supergirl story is "Superboy in Argo City" by Cary Bates and Jim Mooney. While retrieving a space jewel for his mother, Superboy is captured by a space-probe. He is taken back to Argo City which is currently floating in a red sun solar system. Superboy was hit in the head and has amnesia. He is taken in by Zor-El, though neither one knows that they are related. Superboy befriends Zor-El's young daughter Kara and gives her the space jewel that he intended to give to Martha Kent.

Zor-El eventually completes his project to build engines which can transport Argo City to another solar system. The city soon enters a new system inhabited by hostile alien life forms. The Kryptonians agree to leave the system, but the aliens demand that someone remain behind. Superboy volunteers.

The aliens then erase the memory of Superboy from the minds of the people in Argo City. Zor-El then pilots the city to a different solar system. Superboy regains his powers and is able to escape from the aliens, but he has no memory of his time in Argo City. Reprinted in Four Star Spectacular #3.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Mittwoch, 28. November 2007

Showcase #72

Showcase #72 (On Sale: November 28, 1967) features a nice Russ Heath cover of Johnny Thunder in an issue branded Top Gun.

The issue begins with a Trigger Twins story "Sheriff on a Spot," reprinted from All-Star Western #101 by Robert Kanigher, Gil Kane and Joe Giella. That is followed by an Epics of the Texas Rangers story "Panhandle Terror," reprinted from All_American Western #125 written and drawn by Joe Kubert. Rounding out this all-reprint issue is Johnny Thunder in "Unseen Allies," from All-American Western #104 by Robert Kanigher and Alex Toth.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Metamorpho #16

Metamorpho #16 (On Sale: November 28, 1967) features a cover by Sal Trapani.

"Jezeba, Queen of Fury" is by Bob Haney and Sal Trapani. When Sapphire unexpectedly marries Wally Bannister, Metamorpho seeks a return to his old life as Rex Mason. He is approached by a mysterious figure known as Mr. Shadow and recruited to find the legendary land of Ma-Phoor. He embarks on the quest and soon finds the city south of Ethiopia.

Upon his arrival, Metamorpho soon realizes that Mr. Shadow is actually an agent of Ma-Phoor and has intentionally brought Metamorpho to the city. Metamorpho then meets Jezeba, the Queen of Ma-Phoor. She tells him about her history and of her former lover Algon, who is a doppleganger for Metamorpho.

Jezeba believes that Metamorpho is Algon and wishes to marry him. With Sapphire lost to him, Metamorpho agrees until he learns that Jezeba plans to invade the outside world. This story has been reprinted in Showcase Presents:Metamorpho Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Freitag, 23. November 2007

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #108

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #108 (On Sale: November 23, 1967) features a cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.

"The Midas of Metropolis" is by Leo Dorfman, Curt Swan and Jack Abel. Jimmy inherits a million dollars from Ron Hilton, a spendthrift playboy, on the condition that he can spend another million within 24 hours. Superman is assigned to bring Jimmy the money whenever he makes purchases which are restricted to items $50,000 or less. Jimmy is also not allowed to buy more than one of any item.

Jimmy begins his day as a spendthrift. He is making good progress, but some of his purchases actually make him a profit which he must also spend in the allotted period. After several close calls, Jimmy is down to his last dime.

The back-up story is "Jimmy Olsen, the Boy Swordsman" reprinted from Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #41 and produced by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and John Forte. Jimmy Olsen accidentally performs feats of great swordsmanship. He is recruited by a man from Valdania, where swordsmanship is highly regarded, to participate in an exhibition.

Jimmy does well at the exhibition and even vanquishes three outlaw swordsmen. The King rewards Jimmy with treasure. Once outside of Valdania, the Prime Minister reveals that it was a hoax. He used Jimmy to rob the treasury.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Inferior Five #6

Inferior Five #6 (On Sale: November 23, 1967) features an odd Mike Sekowsky and Mile Esposito cover. Odd because how often do you see Superman and Superboy on the same cover?

"How to Make a Bomb""How to Make a Bomb"is by E. Nelson Bridwell, Mike Sekowsky and Mike Esposito. In the offices of National Periodicals, the big boss known as I.D. seeks out Jack Miller the editor of the Inferior Five. I.D. informs Miller that the latest issue of the Inferior Five is due, so Miller corners E. Nelson Bridwell to get him to write the script. Miller and Bridwell then walk through the National office meeting other staffers in an attempt to get them to finish the issue.

When they return to Miller's office, a bald villain attacks them. The villain is removed to be used in a better feature. Bridwell finishes his script, while Miller is dragged away to a padded cell. The Inferior Five then falls asleep in Miller's office having missed out on taking part in any sort of adventure.

Besides Jack Miller, Irwin Donnenfeld, and E. Nelson Bridwell, the story also features appearances by Barbara Friedlander, Robert Kanigher, Julius Schwartz, Mort Weisinger, George Kashdan, Murray Boltinoff, Mike Sekowsky, Carmine Infantino, Mike Esposito, Jack Schiff, Jack Adler, Sol Harrison, Gil Kane, and Joe Letterese.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Green Lantern #58

Green Lantern #58 (On Sale: November 23, 1967) features a nice Gil Kane cover with some interesting inks by Sid Greene.

"Peril of the Powerless Green Lantern" is by Gardner Fox, Gil Kane and Sid Greene. While rescuing some trapped people from a burning building, Green Lantern is caught in an explosion. His power ring protects him from serious injury, but it is damaged in the blast. The ring begins to cause Hal to absorb the emotions of the people around him. He acts like a criminal around crooks; he is terrified when a mob panic; and he is unusually jovial when a crowd cheers him.

The Guardians witness Hal's behavior. They don't know about the power ring's malfunction, so they believe he needs a vacation. They take away his ring and order Hal to relax. However, trouble soon finds Hal in the form of an angry bear. Without his ring, Hal is forced to take on the bear with only his hands and wits to save Eve Doremus and her kid brother.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Girls' Romances #130

Girls' Romances #130 (On Sale: November 23, 1967) features a cover penciled by Tony Abruzzo.

We begin with "I Didn't Want His Love" pencilled by Jay Scott Pike which is followed by "Three Steps to Heartbreak," a reprint from Girls' Romances #68 and pencilled by Arthur Peddy. We end with the cover story, "The Girl He Really Loved," penciled by Tony Abruzzo.

Edited by Barbara Friedlander.

Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

Spectre #2

Spectre #2 (On Sale: November 21, 1967) has somewhat effective cover by Neal Adams.

"Die, Spectre -- Again" is by Gardner Fox and new series artist Neal Adams. This is Neal's second super-hero series at DC and one that I thought he was ineffective with. The supernatural aspect of the Spectre just seemed in conflict with Neal's style. It's like with the Phantom Stranger; Neal did wonderful, evocative covers for the book, but in the one story he illustrated I think the art fell flat.

Jim Corrigan is puzzled by a series of impossible crimes. The Spectre realizes that the crimes are being committed by an ethereal being. When he confronts the spectral criminal, he finds that his powers are not enough to defeat his foe.

The Spectre links the thief to magician Dirk Rawley, but Corrigan saw Rawley at the same time the robbery occurred. The Spectre theorizes that if Corrigan can hit Rawley's physical self at the same moment as he hits the ethereal Rawley, then the villain will be defeated.

When Corrigan and the Spectre attempt to execute their plan, the physical Rawley avoids Corrigan's blow, which allows his ethereal self to imprison the Spectre inside a gem. The Spectre manages to escape, but Corrigan is suspended for the unprovoked attack on the magician. Reprinted in Adventure Comics #495.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Plastic Man #8

Plastic Man #8 (On Sale: November 21, 1967) has a cool cover by Carmine Infantino and Mike Esposito.

"The Unforgettable Wot's-Iz-Name" is by Arnold Drake and Jakc Sparling (See, I tild ya' he would be doing Plastic Man soon!). Plastic Man is crushed when a row of bleachers collapses on top of him. Physically he emerges unharmed, but a blow to the head gives him amnesia. It also causes him to mimic the behavior of the people around him. When he meets up with Waisel the Weasel, the crook is able to convince him that the police are actually crooks. He then leads Plastic Man on a string of robberies.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Bomba the Jungle Boy #3

Bomba the Jungle Boy #3 (On Sale: November 21, 1967) has a fairly creepy cover by new Bomba artist Jack Sparling.

Inside we have "My Enemy... the Jungle" written by George Kashdan and drawn by Jack Sparling. Sparling had done a string of Eclipso stories in House of Secrets and some sci-fi stuff in Strange Adventures and would soon be moving on to Plastic Man and Green Lantern. This story was reprinted in Tarzan #231.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Freitag, 16. November 2007

Teen Titans #13

Teen Titans #13 (On Sale: November 16, 1967) features another wonderful Nick Cardy cover. This was the first issue of the Teen Titans that I bought.

"The TT's Swingin' Christmas Carol" is by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy. The Teen Titans find themselves reliving the events of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol when Tiny Tom Ratchet involves them in the secret dealings of junkyard owner Ebenezer Scrounge and Mr. Big, a smuggler with a strange device that recycles junk into "new" goods. With the Titans playing the roles of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future, Scrounge repents and helps them bring in Mr. Big and his gang. This story has been reprinted in Limited Collectors' Edition C-34, Best of DC #22, Christmas with the Super-Heroes #1 and Showcase Presents:Teen Titans Vol. 1 TPB

Edited by George Kashdan.

Superboy #144

Superboy #144 (On Sale: November 16, 1967) features nice cover by Curt Swan and George Klein. I know for a fact that this is the first issue of Superboy I ever bought; my golden age was just beginning.

"Superboy's Lost Identity" was by Otto Binder, George Papp and Frank Springer. When Superboy prepares to stop the Mechanical Mob from stealing an armored car he discovers that his own uniform has been replaced by one with an unknown design. After apprehending the crooks, he heads for home in his Clark Kent clothes, but is sidetracked by a compulsion that leads him to a different house. Inside he finds that the Quentins believe he is their own son Kirk.

Superboy is unable to solve the puzzle, so he visits the Kent house and discovers another boy inside. The Kents claim this other boy is their own son, the real Superboy. Despite his best efforts the Boy of Steel cannot convince them of the truth or even that he has super powers.

Superboy then investigates the attic at the Kent house where he is attacked by Jor-El and Lara, who claim to have come from Krypton, which was never destroyed. He then follows Krypto on a trip through time in which his strange costume is shredded.

When Superboy returns to the present, the Quentins tell him the truth.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Secret Hearts #125

Secret Hearts #125 (On Sale: November 16, 1967) features a cover penciled by Jay Scott Pike and maybe inked by the dreaded Vinnie Colletta who rears his ugly head for the first time on our blog. Colletta has stopped working for DC in 1959 but beginning with this issue makes his less than triumphant return. Ugh!

We begin with "I'll Get Even with You" by persons unknown and "A Long Way from Love" penciled by Vinnie Colletta. This issue concludes with "Reach for Happiness -- Episode 16" which is penciled by Jay Scott Pike.

Edited by Jack Miller.

House of Mystery #172

House of Mystery #172 (On Sale: November 16, 1967) features interesting, though not well-colored cover by Frank Springer featuring Dial H for H.E.R.O.

We begin with Martian Manhunter in "Manhunter's Stolen Identity" by Jack Miller and Joe Certa. The Martian Manhunter follows Ivor Sandez, Mr. V's top lieutenant, hoping the trail will lead back to his boss. When he reaches one of Vulture's mountain hide-outs, J'onn assumes the form of Sandez. However, a nearby martian meteor causes Sandez to assume J'onn's form and powers.

In the Martian Manhunter's body, Sandez tries to make himself the head of Vulture. In Sandez's body, J'onn is pursued by Vulture agents who believe that he led the Martian Manhunter to their hide-out. J'onn hopes to delay Sandez long enough for the meteor to burn out which will restore him to normal.

Our back-up is the cover-story "The Monsters from the H-Dial" by Dave Wood and Frank Springer. When Robby uses the H-Dial to become a super-hero and battle a tornado, his friend Jim is transformed into a menacing fireball. Robby fails to make the connection between Jim and the fireball. Later when Robby becomes Chief Mighty Arrow to handle an earthquake, Jim becomes another weird monster.

Following his strange transformations, Jim is placed in the hospital with no knowledge of his predicament. Robby uses the H-Dial again, and Jim becomes yet another menace. This time Robby sees the change. After rescuing a freighter, Robby is attacked by Jim in monster form. Reversing the H-Dial, Robby returns both himself and Jim to normal.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Donnerstag, 15. November 2007

Quick-Draw Okatsu

I've been waiting for years to see this flick, ever since I saw a production still in Alain Silver's The Samurai Film. Oh how happy I am that Synapse has finally released it in all its gruesome glory. It's part of their Legends of the Poinsonous Seductress series. This film, and it's sequel, Okatsu the Fugitive, were directed by Japanese horror legend Nobuo Nakagawa. The old boy proves he can dish out cruelty-laden exploitation fare as well if not better than his Toei contemporaries. I'll be writing more about this film in my upcoming book, Stray Dogs & Lone Wolves 2: Deeper Into Samurai Film. For now, all I can say is check it out!

Mittwoch, 14. November 2007

Batman #198

Batman #198 (On Sale: November 14, 1967), AKA 80pg. Giant #G-43 features a cover by Carmine Infantino and Murphy Anderson spotlighting an All-Villain Issue.

We begin with "The Origin of the Batman" from Batman #47 by Bill Finger, Bob Kane and Charles Paris. Batman and Robin discover that a trucking company is smuggling wanted criminals out of state. When Batman sees a picture of the trucking company's owner, Joe Chill, he immediately recognizes the man as the killer of his parents (this was the first time the killer's name was revealed. Batman works the case alone, trying to trap Chill and get evidence against him. Chill eludes Batman's traps and continues to operate his company.

Finally Batman takes a daring risk and reveals his identity to Chill, explaining that Chill was responsible for creating him. Batman threatens to follow and harass Chill until the crook eventually slips up. Frightened, Chill runs to his gang. He tells them that he was responsible for creating Batman. Before he can tell them who the Batman really is, they gun him done for creating their nemesis. Batman is then able to finally close the case of the Wayne murder.

Next is "The Jungle Cat-Queen" from Detective #211 by Ed Hamilton, Dick Sprang and Charles Paris. After a jewel heist, Catwoman pilots her plane to a remote island where she meets her accomplices. Batman follows her to the island and is quickly captured. Catwoman allows Batman to escape, even though her partners try to kill him. Once free Batman rounds up the gang, but the Catwoman herself escapes.

This is followed by "The Web of the Spinner" from Batman #129, by Bill Finger, Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris. While Batman and Robin track down a new costumed foe, the Spinner, Batwoman is investigating a swami who she believes is a phony. All the heroes finally follow their leads to an old windmill which the Spinner is using as a hideout. Although they are able to overcome the Spinner, Batman suspects more is going on. They exit the windmill just before it explodes. The swami is the real Spinner, and he setup another crook to take the fall. Batman then finds evidence in the swami’s possession and arrests him.

Next we have (Oswald Who?) reprinted from the Batman Sunday strip 2/10/1946-3/10/1946 by Alvin Schwartz, Jack Burnley and Charles Paris. This was later reprinted in Batman:The Sunday Classics, 1943-1946 TPB.

"The Crimes of Batman" from World's Finest #61 by David Reed, Lew Sayer Schwartz and Charles Paris follows.

This is followed by "The Menace of False Face" from Batman #113 drawn by Sheldon Moldoff and Charles Paris. A new criminal and master of disguise, False Face, commits robberies around Gotham by disguising himself. Batman realizes that the real people which False Face replaces are delayed from their normal activities in advance. When someone is delayed, Batman arrives in their place and is able to locate False Face, but the crook escapes. During another encounter, Batman is apparently knocked out, but he is really able to capture False Face and his gang.

Lastly we have "The Bandit of the Bells" from Batman #55 drawn by Bob Kane and Charles Paris.

Edited by E. Nelson Bridwell.

Our Fighting Forces #111

Our Fighting Forces #111 (On Sale: November 14, 1967) features a cover by Irv Novick featuring Lt. Hunter's Hellcats.

We begin with Lt. Hunter's Hellcats in "Train of Terror" by Robert Kaniger and Jack Abel. This is followed by "No Movies in a Foxhole" drawn by Jack Sparling.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Young Love #65

Young Love #65 (On Sale: November 14, 1967) features a cover by persons unknown, but the woman's eyes sure look like the work of Tony Abruzzo

We begin with "If It Isn't Love, What Is It?" drawn by Gene Colan. This is followed by "Tears for My Love" from Falling In Love #20 and drawn by John Forte and Bernard Sachs. Lastly is our cover-story "Sweet Mystery of Love" by persons unknown.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Freitag, 9. November 2007

Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #80

Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #80 (On Sale: November 9, 1967) features a cover by Curt Swan and Neal Adams. They made a pretty good team and I love the visual here of Lois ripping out the words "Girl Friend" from the logo.

"Get Out of My Life, Superman" is by Leo Dorfman and Kurt Schaffenberger. When Superman misses Lois Lane's birthday party, the girl reporter is humiliated. She leaves town and moves to Coral City, home to America's space program. Lois changes her last name to Lorne, takes a job as a nurse, and vows to forget about Superman. Her plan is made easier when she saves the life of astronaut Rand Kirby which begins a romance.

Superman misses Lois after she has left town. When he is assigned to cover a story in Coral City as Clark Kent, he finds Lois. She tells Clark that she doesn't want Superman to find her, but when danger presents itself, she suggests calling Superman for help. After the danger has been averted Lois pretends to be under the influence of truth serum and tells the Man of Steel that she doesn't want to see him anymore.

I believe this was one of three comics I bought the first time I bought comic books. The other two come out in a few days.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Girls' Love Stories #132

Girls' Love Stories #132 (On Sale: November 9, 1967) features a cover by persons unknown.

We begin with "A License to Love" penciled by John Rosenberger. That is followed by "Love is a Red, Red Rose," a reprint from Falling In Love #13 inked by Bernard Sachs. Lastly is our cover-story, "Do Kisses Always Mean Love?" which is drawn by Jack Sparling.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Mittwoch, 7. November 2007

Adventures of Jerry Lewis #104

Adventures of Jerry Lewis #104 (On Sale: November 7, 1967) features the last of this book's Neal Adams covers.

"The Many Lives of Jerry Lewis" by Arnold Drake and Neal Adams is Neal's last Jerry Lewis story. I know Neal has remarked that this and the Bob Hope book were the easiest money he ever made, but Neal now had Deadman and the Spectre and more covers than you could shake a stick at and DC as a whole was much better served with Neal revamping the look of the entire line of books.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Tomahawk #114

Tomahawk #114 (On Sale: November 7, 1967) features another interesting Bob Brown cover. Although pretty much unhearalded as a cover artist, Brown was constantly producing some of the most dynamic covers of the time.

The Tomahawk cover-story "The Terrible Power of Chief Iron-Hands" is drawn by Fred Ray.

The back-up "Traitor of the Totem Pole" is a reprint from Tomahawk #57 and is drawn by Bob Brown.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Wonder Woman #174

Wonder Woman #174 (On Sale: November 7, 1967) features a cover with the unusual team of Carmine Infantino and Irv Novick.

"Steve Trevor – Alias the Patriot" is by Robert Kanigher, Irv Novick and Mike Esposito. Angle Man discovers a way to remove Wonder Woman's super powers. He knows that she will continue to fight crime, so he provides Steve Trevor with pills which give him powers. He hopes that Wonder Woman will retire and marry Steve, then he will ensure that Steve runs out of pills and cannot renew his powers. However, Steve shares the pills with Wonder Woman and together they track down Angle Man. Wow, is this a really awful sounding story or what?

The back-up story, "Wonder Woman Vs the Air Devils" is also by Robert Kanigher, Irv Novick and Mike Esposito. Capital City honors several super-heroes with statues placed around the city. Wonder Woman's statue is made of gold and is protected by Steve Trevor. The King of Crime plans to steal the gold statue by diverting Wonder Woman with attacks on the other statues. He succeeds in taking the statue and kidnapping Trevor. Wonder Woman is unable to pursue him to his island hideout because she fears for Steve's life.

Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island, where she meets with her mother. A passing meteor shower gives Wonder Woman an idea of how to rescue Steve. She hitches a ride on a meteor which strikes the King of Crime's island. Her surprise catches the crook off guard, allowing the Amazon Princess rescues Trevor.

And people wonder why the O'Neil/Sekowsky/Giordano Wonder Woman reboot was so desperately needed?

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Freitag, 2. November 2007

Aquaman #37

Aquaman #37 (On Sale: November 2, 1967) features just a stunning Nick Cardy cover; it's beautifully designed and masterfully executed, full of raw emotion. How could anyone pass up this comic on the stands? To me this cover marks the beginning of Cardy's ascendancy as one of the greatest cover artists of all time.

"When the Sea Dies" is by Bob Haney and Nick Cardy. A great cataclysm under the sea interrupts a fight between Aquaman and the Ocean Master. The sea itself begins to rot. Aquaman traces the source of the disturbance to a scorpion-shaped vessel piloted by the Scavenger. The villain is searching for a time decelerator hidden under the ocean. Aquaman's best efforts are unable to penetrate the Scavenger's ship, so he forms a temporary alliance with the Ocean Master.

Mera and Aquababy are then kidnapped. Aquaman is unable to free them, but when the Ocean Master locates the time decelerator, the Scavenger leaves his ship. Ocean Master tries to double-cross Aquaman, but he is stopped. The Scavenger uses the time decelerator in an attempt to become immortal.

This strip is sort of a turning point for Aquaman as it features the last appearances of Tusky the Walrus, and Storm and Sea Imp, Aquaman and Aqualad's giant sea horses. I know, I said this about the sea horses in Aquaman #35, but I was misinformed I guess.

Edited by George Kashdan.

Falling In Love #96

Falling In Love #96 (On Sale: November 2, 1967) features a cover pencilled by Jay Scott Pike.

Inside we have "How to Make a Man Love You" inked by Bernard Sachs, "Wake Up to Heartbreak" drawn by Bernard Sachs and "Ashamed of Her Love" penciled by Howard Purcell.

Edited by Jack Miller.

Our Army at War #188

Our Army at War #188 (On Sale: November 2, 1967) features a Sgt. Rock cover by Joe Kubert.

Inside we have "Death Comes for Easy" by Robert Kanigher, Joe Kubert and Jack Abel. It is very unusual to find Kubert handling only the penciling chores.

The back-up is "Live Wire for Easy" reprinted from G.I. Combat #57 and produced by Robert Kanigher, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito.

Edited by Robert Kanigher.

Superman #203

Superman #203 (On Sale: November 2, 1967) features a cover by Curt Swan and George Klein.

Inside we have "Clark Kent's Biggest Day" by Leo Dorfman and Al Plastino. Reporter Diana Adair is assigned to follow Clark Kent for a day in the life story for Eye Magazine. Clark tracks down the Long-Hair Gang, but is forced to conceal his super powers with Diana nearby. The gang tries to murder Clark, making it more difficult to protect his secret identity.

Next is "Superman's Black Magic" by Jerry Siegel and Al Plastino and reprinted from Superman #138. Clark Kent attends a costume party at the Daily Planet in a devil costume. He has to leave suddenly when he spots two wanted criminals outside. To gather evidence against them, the Man of Steel uses his powers to pretend he is the devil.

And finally the cover story, "When Superman Killed His Friends" by E. Nelson Bridwell and Pete Costanza. After helping build canals on an alien world, Superman stops a giant meteor on a collision course with Earth. When he returns to the Daily Planet, his chest shield illuminates beneath his clothes, exposing his secret identity. Superman tries to get rid of the effect by bathing in the heart of the sun. He then returns to Earth, but his insignia fires deadly rays which kill his friends.

Superman learns that the rays came from a Doom Demon which he picked up during his demolition of the meteor. A space-hunter named Knarf has been hunting the demon, but is killed before he can tell Superman how to stop it. After Knarf's death, the demon tries to kill Superman too.

Superman then awakens on the alien world upon which he was building the canals. The aliens show him a chunk of Red Kryptonite that he was exposed to. Superman realizes that his encounter with the Doom Demon was only a dream. However, when he returns to Earth, he sees the same meteor on a collision course.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Teen Beam #2

Teen Beam #2 (On Sale: November 2, 1967) has a cover featuring Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits and the Monkees. This is the first and last issue of this teen music magazine published under this name, the first issue being called Teen Beat. A name change did not save this non-comic book from cancellation.

It was edited by Jack Miller.