Mittwoch, 25. August 2010

subscribe to GhettoManga Magazine and get a FREE print!

The new issue is finally ready to go to the printer! This issue will include never-before-printed comics from Josh Boulet (The Wrong Night in Texas, The Green Reefer) and Brock Rizy (Emily Edison, Catbear Traffic Control) PLUS an 8 page preview of Felipe Smith's ground-breaking culture clash manga Peepo Choo (printed in the back of the issue, so's you can read it right-to-left like he intended, of course). Oh yeah, and the triumphant return of my comic MANCHILD: Birthday Boy,because I gives the people what they want...
speaking of giving people what they want, you can preorder the new issue of GhettoManga Quarterly now for $8 (2 bucks less than it costs in stores) or you can order a 4 issue subscription (or extension) for $24 AND get a FREE print of your favorite character (yeah, any one you want*) drawn by me! Yeah, that's some Sports Illustrated type isht! I'm really looking to get my subscriptions up, so I'm going a little bit crazy with this promotion! But get at me ASAP! This offer ends September 3rd! [UPDATE: Offer Extended to "until I get tired of it"]

Preorder gMQ
What Character do you want?

*If I have an existing drawing of the character you want, That's the one you'll get (like, say this Batman Beyond piece). If not, I will draw a new one for you. If you want your own original character drawn, you must supply an existing picture of the character. I'm happy to draw them, but I'm not designing them for you. If you want a copy of an existing print I have, that is probably okay. For an example of the kind of drawings I will be doing, check the 30 minute drawings on my art blog Ziontific. There's a shipping charge of three bucks on all orders, but I might have to get you for a little more if you're in another country, so be advised...
The books will get back from the printer late September. As for the drawings, it just depends on the response. If you have a reason you need your drawing sooner, let me know.

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