Montag, 30. Mai 2011

Remember the... Nerds?

Happy Memorial Day! Since I grew up in a military town where we loved the troops everyday, I wasn't really clear what regular people DO on Memorial Day, but according to my co-workers, women shop and men drink beer and eat barbecue. Proof positive that Americans can turn any holiday AWESOME! Um... so anyways, here's a strip from that dude Marcel of Marcel Comics...

Marcel has a strip in the Powerman/Luke Cage tribute issue of GhettoManga Quarterly, which you can buy on Indyplanet... Incidentally, you can also cop Marcel's latest paperback collection Read or Die on IP as well, just click here. Or while you're here, feel free to click here to read my review of Marcel's last book, Did You Mean MARVEL Comics?
So anyways... watch out for jake, and enjoy your sales, adult beverages and barbecue.
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