Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

World of Hurt Cover Art!!

If you were smart enough to take my advice and get down with the World of Hurt: The Thrill Seekers Kickstarter campaign, this is the cover art for the hardcover Graphic Novel you will eventually get!

"I received the cover illustration back from my colorist, Jeremy Summey, and I had to share it with all of you..." said series writer, artist and hnic Jay Potts. "I'll finish formatting the book this weekend. The print schedule got pushed back, but once I send it to the printer I'll be able to let you know a firm delivery date for the completed books."
And of course, when I find out how late-comers can cop the book, I'll be sure to let you know. Or if you want the knowledge first hand, hit up  or Jay's twitter.


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