Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011

PREVIEW: Iron Man 2.0 #6

Looks like the brotha formerly known as War Machine is in the middle of a bangin' world-saving adventure guest-starring the immortal Iron Fist and company. In addition to the sweet Salvador Larocca cover above, peep the beautiful painted artwork to Iron Man 2.0 #6 by your man Ariel Olivetti...
Here's the Sales Pitch:

The evil forces of the Serpent sweep across the Earth…and it’s up to War Machine, the Immortal Iron Fist, and the Weapons of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven to stop two of the strongest before they lay waste to an entire continent!

Word is this somehow ties into the latest Marvel U crossover "Fear Itself"... which I know nothing about (sorry). I just couldn't resist posting this art! Looks like my boy Jim Rhodes is in capable hands. Anyways, Iron Man 2.0 #6 lands in stores June 22nd.


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