Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

New teeshirt designs by Nat Landry

 Looks like my ninja Nat Landry (Bring the Pain Jermaine) is getting into the teeshirt game. Here's a couple designs he posted yesterday...

Nat (who already paints, rhymes and moonlights as a ninja mercenary) will fit right into the teeshirt hustle, and can take it as far as he wants to take it, in my opinion. The SCAD graduate graciously contributed to the first two issue of GhettoManga Quarterly, but I was already a fan of his trippy hip hop-infused comics and paintings before that, and remain so today! You can check out more of his art on his blog Ah Did That!!!!! and make sure you comment so he can keep you posted on how/where to get these tees!

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