Freitag, 10. Juni 2011

3 Reasons why YOU need to buy Dark Horse Presents #2

I didn't buy the first issue of Dark Horse Presents that featured the debut of new multi-part serials by Neal Adams (his cover art on the left) and Richard Corben (two creators I've loved for decades), and an interview and sneak peak at Frank Miller's prequel comic (soon to be movie) Xerxes... but I still have a few REALLY good reasons why I GOTTA cop #2, and frankly, you should too...

#1) Sanford Greene's new joint Rotten Apple debuts... If you haven't been following Sanford Greene's work since the LedHeavy days, let me just say, Sanford Greene is the name you can trust, fammo... but you don't hear me, so peep:

I'm sorry, that's dope... but anyways here's the other thing
#2) Robert Love and David Walker's sci-fi opus Number 13 makes it's long-awaited debut in the issue. I mean, it opens with the words "Sixty Years after the world ended"... What does it take to impress you people?!?! But seriously, Robert Love and David Walker already blessed me with enough dope stuff to earn my respect, and with this AND the return of Blind Monkey Style on the horizon they're gonna make you love them like Lauryn an'nem... whether you're ready or not.
#3- Jim mothereffing Steranko's groundbreaking graphic novel Red Tide is being re-issued, and DHP #2 will have a 13 page preview, plus an interview with the comics heavyweight. I have never had a chance to read Red Tide, so the news that it was being reissued was welcome. So I'm in there, fammo...
HONORABLE MENTION: here's some other shit that's in the issue.

so yeah, Dark Horse Presents #2 hits stores June 22nd. Cop it!
comics. hiphop. news. art. culture

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