Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011


 If you often find yourself choosing between the sword & sorcery section and science fiction space opera joints, you might just be better off buying InVision Comics' new joint Genecy, which they describe as Conan meets Silver Surfer. In the 36 page debut issue, we meet the merciless slavers of the galaxy-spanning Grunnodian Empire, who have scoured the universe for centuries looking for a cosmic artifact that will give them access to limitless, primal energy and strengthen their stranglehold on their numberless subjects. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, a runaway slave Kaizakk seeks to beat them to the punch...

Introducing Kaizakk into this world is a lot like having Conan walk into a Jim Starlin comic, and there's something satisfying about seeing sci-fi and fantasy coexist in the same space. I have always been a fan of genre-bending, and these cats do a great job of it. This story makes an effort to lay the groundwork for the larger adventures of Genecy, a super-powered being who is essentially the avatar of a cosmic god that predates the birth of the universe. While the book does leave lots of unanswered questions, and a big fat "To Be Continued..." I'd say (without giving too much away) it's a satisfying read on its own. If they can maintain the quality of writing and art seen in this issue, I am definitely interested to see where the creative team goes from here. If you wanna check out Genecy #1, click here to cop the 36 page joint on IndyPlanet.

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