Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Getting good Feedback about our Luke Cage Tribute Issue!

Under cover of darkness, I sent out copies of that Luke Cage Tibute issue (lovingly referred to as the "Sweet Christmas Special" even though it's obviously NOT christmastime) to my subscribers, preorderers and other assorted deserving peeps last Wednesday, and the first reverberations started hitting my various inboxes this weekend...
"the new 'Luke Cage' issue of GhettoManga is off the hook! It rocks in sooo many ways. Loved the way you broke down Bendis' Luke Cage in Alias...."

"How did you get Mike Hawthorne to draw a pinup?!? He's one of my favorites artists!"
-Barry K.

"Mini Battle Men is my new shit! Tell Zees he got a winner on his hands, son!"
-Big Shane
"Wow! Dan Fu's work is very promising! His writing and art are both loose and sharp... a great find!"
-Sara Q.

Yo, I really appreciate that so many people took the time to drop a line, tweet, comment or whatever. The magazine is a labor of love, and every comic, illustration and article is chosen by me. I try to take criticism objectively and constructively, but I definitely take all the love personal.   And juuust in case you haven't bought a copy or subscription yet...

Here's the Sales Pitch:
The GhettoManga Sweet Christmas Special features a gallery of tribute art dedicated to Marvel's resident soul brother #1, with art by lots of underground talent that you need to get familiar with. There's also new comics from Zees Moreno (Mini Battle Men) and Dan Fu (The Retriever), plus articles by Jay Potts (World of Hurt), Corance Davis (GodBody) and more... Back issues of the 52 page full color magazine are already available on IndyPlanet.  You can order single issues for ten bucks each (includes shipping), or subscribe 
and get 4 issues for the price of 3!

GhettoManga Quarterly

So, thanks again! Production has already started on the next issue, and of course, you know where to find me...

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