Montag, 1. August 2011

PREVIEW- "Staceytron: Mass Perception"

 I did a piece for internet nerdgirl demigoddess Stacey Owens' artbook project Staceytron: Mass Perception last year, and the book is finally out. The cover was smashed out by the venerable Dave Johnson and the book includes a laundry list of dope artists known and unknown, so it will be a great bit of exposure for me I think. Why don't you peep some preview art while I go pat myself on the back?

this is my piece, in case you missed it the first time I posted it. I also sell prints and cards with the image online here. I bought some postcards that I sell at shows. It's a popular piece, so Stacey, if you're reading this, Thanks for the inspiratron! What was I talking about? Oh Yeah... you can cop the Staceytron book on ComixPress now.
Here's the Sales Pitch:
Why, What, Who is Staceytron?More than 100 Artists - from passionate amateurs to industry professionals - from all corners of the Globe come together to create an all new being of unlimited potential.
Staceytron: Mass Perceptron is an immense collection of ideas and imagery specifically created to stimulate both body and mind.
With Cover Art by Eisner Award Winner Dave Johnson (Superman: Red Son, 100 Bullets, Punisher, Deadpool) along with 174 pages of explosively sexy and sexily explosive graphic art created by artists from all walks of life, each and every reader will draw different conclusions, different impressions, different perceptions of just who Staceytron truly is...
Are you ready to take her trip?
Cop it here.

Paper or plastic?

People that go to the store to buy just one apple and then ceaselessly giggle over the product code being '4020' is probably one of the greatest arguments there is against legalizing marijuana. Can't you kids handle it? It's embarrassing. Seriously, not cool.

I imagine a bio-degradable pipe that can be eaten or disposed of otherwise is easier than throwing a metal pipe out the window when the cop car lights turns on and is cheap enough to keep buying so mom won't find anything incriminating while searching your room. But are you really fooling anyone? Most telling is when I give the group of teen-aged girls purchasing just one apple among the six of them my best fatherly disapproving stare and one starts eating it, meekly claiming, "I'm really only just hungry."

Sure you are, sweetie.

Honestly? Don't care. Just make the penalties while driving under the influence or being stupid while intoxicated too horrifying to contemplate. If this keeps up some politician is going to demand that like cigarettes no one under 18 can buy fruit.

You can bet that when Hayley Mills buys an apple it is for eating.

Craig Stuckless covers Batman 400

Original cover by Bill Sienkiewicz; DC 1986. Craig Stuckless's website is here.

PREVIEW: Dziva Jones Cover art

 Here's Stanley Weaver Jr's cover art for Aminah Armour's comic about the bodyguard and crimefighter with the brickhouse frame, Dziva Jones. Peep the pencils below...

Weaver (Street Team) is the cover artist for the four issue series (this is the cover to #3, I think), which is written by Armour with art by Ashley A. Woods (Millenia War). The first issue of Dziva Jones is already out. You can click here for a SWEET 3 page preview, or just go cop it on Indyplanet! I will keep you posted on new Dziva Jones news when I get it, and write you a review of the comic once I get my hands on it!

Start the day off Right w/Jurassic 5

I went on a brief but necessary road trip this weekend with my daughter, and dug into the case for some speeding driving music and grabbed Power In Numbers, the third album from the dearly departed hip hop crew Jurassic 5. In my humble opinion, this particular song (Break) may be one of the best highway songs ever...

Well, I would love to launch into an in-depth comparative review of Power In Numbers (a good record, but I didn't like it as much as the previous joint Quality Control), but I just don't have time.
I recommend it (and the entire Jurassic 5 catalog) to anyone who wants some nice body-rock hip hop in the spirit of the early years of the culture.
have a great day!

comics. hiphop. news. art. culture