Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

Manchild + Jaq = JaqMan?

Manchild of Mars ILL, Deepspace 5 and Move Merchants (did I miss anybody?) joins forces with German Super-Producer, Jaq of the Scribbling Idiots collective to bring you some more quality raps.Kick the tires & take it for a test drive 'fore you buy, plair!

As a long-time fan of Manchild in his role as the rapping half of the mighty Mars ILL, I've enjoyed hearing him rapping over other dudes' beats. Jaq is nice on the boards (or whatever), and Manchild gives a yeoman's effort on the tracks. You Don't Know Jaq is seven tracks, of which I found two (Don't Call Us and It Takes All Kinds In This Bizness) to be especially dope .  The rest of the songs on the album are alright (it IS Manchild, after all) but nothing I would write home about. I will resist the urge to blame it all on Jaq, who isn't exactly making me forget about Dust (the deejay half of Mars ILL), because he really does know his way around a beat. The record just lacks an intangible something that would put it over the hump to get me to lay down bread. Maybe all the years spent building rapport with Dust and the other Deepspace beatmakers is the difference? After listening to the record multiple times a few of the other songs are kinda growing on me, but I will pro'lly just buy the two tracks above for a buck each, rather than cop the whole record, which I found to be hit-or-miss. But feel free to ignore me and cop it cheap via bandcamp. Also, if Jaq and Manchild keep doing records together, I will call them "You JaqMan" until it catches on. That is all.

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