Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

The Post of Christmas Past

A few links to some Holiday stuff of latter years from Lady, That's My Skull.

Aw, cute!

Thor and the Christmas Miracle!

The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping!

Frosty the Golem!

They should never have called him Mutie!

Lazy, crappy Holiday comic strips!

Sorry, kids!

An oldie but a goodie from MAD Magazine, If Kids Designed Their Own Xmas Toys!

Links from other places:

Retrospace Christmas Music Mix Tape!

A Riverdale Christmas by Bully!

20 Geeky Xmas Decorations (NSFW sidebar)!

Golden Age Comic Book Stories has lots of nifty Xmas images and stories!

The Monkees sing Xmas acappella!

And last but not the least from LTMS, an old Silver Age comic book favorite: Invaders from the Ice World!

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