Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

Now Playing: Catshit One

this debut episode of Catshit One was released free on the web to coincide with the DVD/Blu-ray release earlier this month...

In this debut episode, the two rabbit soldiers from Special Force 'Cat Shit One', PACKY and BOTASKY, infiltrate enemy lines to rescue hostages captured by unidentified militia. Knowing the hostages are in need of immediate help, they launch a snake attack without waiting for backup.
Cat Shit One started out as a manga of the same name by written and illustrated by Motofumi Kobayashi. It was originally published in Japan in 1998 by Softbank Publishing, but for obvious reasons was renamed Apocalypse Meow for the US release. The manga takes place in Vietnam instead of the middle east. The recon team Cat Shit one probably gets its name from the fact that the bad parts of the conflict are called "the shit" and the Vietnamese are all characterized as cats. The Americans are all rabbits (Japanese for rabbit is Usagi [U.S.A. + G.I.]).

I was talking to my dude Rod from Planet Griffin this morning about this episode and he pointed out that the Studio Anima dudes did this indie style on PCs in their garage, and that they raised the OPM ("Other People's Money") to make it with a series of YouTube trailers. I actually like that they kept the name Cat Shit One (even though it would definitely keep the DVD out of Wal-Mart), because it reminds me of the military (I grew up on in a military town). Dudes in the military have mastered the art of using profanity and sounding official at the same time... Anyways, Cat Shit One: The Animated Series episode 1 is on sale now on Amazon, and I'm sure other respectable anime outlets have it too.

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