Samstag, 31. Januar 2009

Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight

The Japanese title of this film is Porno jidaigeki: Bohachi bushido. Jidaigeki means "period drama," bushido is the Way of the Warrior, the bohachi were sex slavers who had renounced the eight principles of Confucian ethics (sometimes called bohachimono, as in Lone Wolf & Cub: Baby Cart to Hades), and we all know what porno is (although in this case it's decidedly softcore).

My friend Lonny was raving about this film the other day. I told him I didn't think that highly of it (I had a bootleg long before the recent release from Discotek). He urged me to take another look, and, indeed, it played better this time (although I think I'd prefer to read the original manga by Kazuo Koike upon which it's based).

The best thing about the movie, in my opinion, is the sword action. Tetsuro Tamba knew how to use a sword, and his stoic, world-weary ronin has a certain vintage Clint Eastwood vibe as he rips and dismembers scores of attackers, later uttering his catchy catch-phrase, "To die is hell, but to live is also hell."

Of course what most guys like about the film is the wall-to-wall naked female flesh, a dimension to which I'm certainly not opposed, but feel could have been handled better. Director Teruo Ishii phoned it in on this one I think, throwing tits 'n ass around haphazardly with little effort at eroticism. Now maybe I'm just see-through faded, super-jaded and out of my mind, but for me Tamba's protracted opium and sex orgy scene was downright soporific, and that ain't right! A scene like that should have me at full attention so to speak, and I blame Ishii for not making that happen. (Check out Norifumi Suzuki's Convent of the Sacred Beast for an example of what I consider the right way to do lubricious love.)

So I put it to you, dear reader: If you've seen this film, leave a comment (you have to have a blogger account, unfortunately). Let me know if you feel Bohachi Bushido is hotter than hot or merely luke warm.

Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2009

Jeff Lemire covers All-American Comics 61

Original cover by Paul Reinman; DC 1944. Jeff Lemire's website is here.

Detective Comics #385

Detective Comics #385 (On Sale: January 28, 1969) has a cover by Neal Adams.

"Die Small -- Die Big" is by Robert Kanigher, Bob Brown and Joe Giella. This may be the only Silver Age Batman story that Robert Kanigher wrote. Mailman Herbert Small learns that he will die in less than a month from a incurable medical condition. When he overhears crooks conspiring to kill Batman, Herbert decides to sacrifice his own life to protect the Caped Crusader.

While disguised as one of the conspirators, Small tells the crooks that he has discovered Batman's secret identity, Herbert Small. Small then delivers a message to Bruce Wayne's birthday party which tips off the real Batman. The crooks track Small to his home. Batman gets there before they can kill him, but Small takes a bullet that was intended to hit Batman. The Caped Crusader grants Small a dying glimpse at his real identity in gratitude for saving his life.Reprinted in Batman #257 and Showcase Presents: Batgirl Vol. 1 TPB.

The Batgirl back-up is "Hunt for the Helpless Hostage," by Mike Friedrich, Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson. Continuing from last issue, Batgirl tracks down Mark Hanner who has passed out from diabetic shock. She rushes him to the hospital where he makes a quick recovery. Mark works as a private detective and has gathered evidence against gangster Web Foote. The crook has now captured Sharon, his sister. Batgirl and Mark work together to rescue Sharon and capture Foote. The next Friday at the library, Mark asks Barbara Gordon on a date. Reprinted in Showcase Presents: Batgirl Vol. 1 TPB.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Adventure Comics #378

Adventure Comics #378 (On Sale: January 28, 1969) has a Legion of Super-Heroes cover by Neal Adams.

"Twelve Hours to Live" is by Jim Shooter, Winslow Mortimer and Jack Abel. At a celebration of Brainiac 5's birthday, five Legionnaires are poisoned. Brainiac 5 analyzes the poison and determines that it will kill each of them in twelve hours. Brainiac 5 uses the time to find a cure. Superboy returns to the 20th century and attempts to stay busy. Duo Damsel returns home to visit her parents for the last time. Karate Kid tracks down the Fatal Five on a suicide mission. Projectra mopes around the city until she meets Myron Marks, who lifts her spirits.

As the twelve hour period comes to an end, the poisoned Legionnaires return to headquarters. Brainiac 5 admits that he could not find an antidote. The Legionnaires then compose a will, before each succumbs to the effects of the poison. Brainiac 5 makes one last effort to save them using the Miracle Machine, but he runs out of time. When all the Legionnaires fall unconscious, their killer gloats over his victory. Reprinted in Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 9 HC.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Action Comics #374

Action Comics #374 (On Sale: January 28, 1969) has another brilliant cover by Neal Adams. Before Neal you would never see anything even close to this dramatic in comics.

"Alias Super-Thief" is by Otto Binder, Curt Swan and Jack Abel. Continuing from last issue, Superman is still unable to recall his secret identity after being exposed to an amnesia ray. Police inform him of a Super-Thief named Jud Blake who has been missing for weeks. Superman follows one of Super-Thief's men back to his hide-out and discovers evidence which convinces the Man of Steel that he is actually Super-Thief.

Using a rubber mask, Superman becomes Super-Thief and helps the gang with a robbery. Superman is conflicted about his role as thief and hero. After a second robbery, Superman returns to the hide-out and discovers another Super-Thief. The two men are then attacked by three criminal fences. Superman stops them, then learns that the other Super-Thief is really an FBI agent who was setting up the fences. Superman realizes that he is not the real crook and must resume his search for the truth.

The Supergirl back-up is "No Mercy for Supergirl" by Leo Dorfman and Kurt Schaffenberger. Supergirl is abducted by an alien from the Sarkon galaxy. The alien known as the Avenger explains that his race values life at all cost and no one is allowed to take a life for any reason. He has come to Earth to enforce these laws on fellow super-beings including Supergirl. He witnessed her cutting a rose and killing a butterfly in her college classes, so he charges her with murder. Supergirl is unable to argue her way out of the situation. She then shows the Avenger that he himself was responsible for the death of some microbes. Believing himself a killer, the Avenger kills himself as punishment for his own crime.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2009

World's Finest Comics #183

World's Finest Comics #183 (On Sale: January 23, 1969) has a cover by Neal Adams.

"Superman's Crime of the Ages" is by Leo Dorfman, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. Two members of the future Time Patrol return to the 20th century from the year 4069. They meet Batman and show him that Superman went mad after a failed experiment involving Red Kryptonite. The Man of Steel sent a super-satellite into the future which caused the people their to devolve into ape men. Batman accompanies the Time Patrol officers into the future to confirm their story.

After Batman has seen the truth for himself he returns to the 20th century and apprehends his friend. He brings the Man of Steel before a council of U.N. representatives. After testimony is given, Superman is found guilty. As punishment the Time Patrol officers plan to lobotomize him.

Before they can execute their plan, Superman exposes them as Luthor and Brainiac. Their story was a fake which was backed up a future remake of the Planet of the Apes movie. Batman only witnessed a movie set on his trip to the future. With the villains exposed, Superman is honored by the U.N. council that convicted him.

The back-up story is "The Ghost Planet" reprinted from House of Mystery #80 and drawn by Sheldon Moldoff.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Teen Titans #20

Teen Titans #20 (On Sale: January 23, 1969) has a cover by Nick Cardy.

"Titans Fit the Battle of Jericho" is written and penciled by Neal Adams and inked by Nick Cardy, but that description doesn't even come close to explaining the real pedigree of this tale.

Len Wein and Marv Wolfman turned in a story to editor Dick Giordano which would have introduced a black super-hero by the name of Jericho, but this story was never published. The character was changed to Caucasian and renamed as Joshua. Although the cover still bears the original title: "The Titans Fit the Battle of Jericho."

In The Titans Companion by Glen Cadigan, Marv Wolfman reflects on the story: "The second Teen Titans was a story that no one has ever seen printed. It was a story that Len Wein and I co-wrote that was originally intended for Teen Titans #20. It was 'The Titans Fit the Battle of Jericho'...

"We met with Dick Giordano, and told him our idea of a gang, a black super-hero, and a fairly straightforward type of story, closer to what we were seeing in Spider-Man, but with the Teen Titans. We came up with a black character because DC didn't have any at the time...we grew up with black kids in school. Living in New York, all racers, all creeds, everybody was in our classes, so it was never a matter of 'Why not put a black character in?' it's "Why isn't there one?' I mean, like, 'Duh!' So we just wanted to do that.

"Dick liked the story concept, but knew that there could be some problems because of the time period, and brought us into Irwin Donenfeld's...Irwin said he really wanted us to try to do this, try to make it a multi-parter -- which, in itself, was incredibly exciting -- to really be powerful and very street and very authentic, and try to get down and dirty, get a lit grittier...

"A couple of weeks later we came back, and at that point Irwin had left and there was a new person in charge. Whatever the reasons were, because there are so many differences of opinion on this, the story got dropped...It was all drawn, buy the way. Nick Cardy did one of the greatest jobs I had ever seen him do.

"When it was killed, Dick was in a lot of trouble because of deadlines. Neal Adams took a lot of the pages, added a bunch of new pages and rewrote a story around it; a brand-new story, using Jericho, but no longer black. If you look at the cover, which had already been sent to the printer, all they could do was throw a blue tone over it and all the black characters were put into the background because of that, but they were obviously black on the cover and there were none in the comic anymore...

"At any rate, Neal redrew the story using as many of Nick Cardy's pages as he could. He did it, I think, over a weekend with Nick inking simultaneously. I plotted, secretly, the second chapter which Neal followed and made changes along the way, then he wound up the story on his own...Len and I didn't get work for almost two years from DC."

In Adams' tale, a mysterious costumed crime fighter called Joshua invades Titan Lair and enlists the Teen Titans' aid in stopping a confrontation between police and teenage protesters. All involved are unaware that the protesters are being backed by organized crime figures, who in turn are pawns of the alien invaders from Dimension X. The Titans, together with Joshua and his brother, the leader of the protesters, halt the aliens' scheme to release the Meroul Being, a monstrous giant creature, on Earth, but both the aliens and their criminal underlings continue to plot the team's downfall. Reprinted in Best of DC #18 and Showcase Presents: Teen Titans Vol. 2 TPB.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

Showcase #81

Showcase #81 (On Sale: January 23, 1969) has a Windy and Willy cover by Bob Oksner and Tex Blaisdell.

"The Haunted Hippie" is by Arnold Drake and Bob Oksner. This story is a partially redrawn Dobie Gillis story reprinted from Many Loves of Dobie Gillis #26. Someone had to think this was a good idea.

Edited by Joe Orlando.

Justice League of America #70

Justice League of America #70 (On Sale: January 23, 1969) has a great Creeper cover by Neal Adams.

"Versus the Creeper" is by Denny O'Neil, Dick Dillin and Sid Greene. A juvenile would-be super-hero called Mind-Grabber Kid becomes jealous when he is ignored in favor of the Justice League heroes. When alien visitors come to Earth, he leads them to believe that the JLA is composed of enemies of humanity. Meanwhile, the super-team, at Batman's instigation, investigates the activities of the new crime-fighter known as the Creeper.

The JLA, the Creeper, aliens, and a gang of crooks all come together in a four-way battle at the nuclear power plant. After the aliens overcome the League by mimicking their powers, the super-heroes are about to be murdered by the crooks, but the Creeper intervenes and saves them.

A repentent Mind-Grabber Kid explains matters to the aliens, who depart in peace. Reprinted in Justice League of America Archives Vol. 8 HC. Being just a kid myself, I hoped I would see more of Mind-Grabber Kid, but it never happened. This is his one and only appearance.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Date With Debbi #2

Date With Debbi #2 (On Sale: January 23, 1969) has a cover where Debbi has the same dark eyes as list issue, so I am going to guess that this is also the work of Samm Schwartz..

Inside we have Debbi in "Who's Blue?," "I'll Be Suing You" and aan untitles story all by persons unknown.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

Andrew Wales covers Fantastic Four 306

Original cover by John Buscema and Joe Sinnott; Marvel, 1987. If you are interested in purchasing this cover or others that Andrew Wales has done, contact him through his website.

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2009

Strange Adventures #217

Strange Adventures #217 (On Sale: January 21, 1969) has a nice Adam Strange cover by Neal Adams. Deadman is gone and Adam Strange and Atomic Knights reprints have become the order of the day. Since this was my introduction to both series, it was all new to me.

We begin with the origin of Adam Strange, "Secret of the Eternal City," a reprint from Showcase #17 by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia. While escaping from some Inca villagers, Adam Strange is struck by a Zeta Beam originating from the planet Rann. Originally designed for communications, the Zeta Beam has been altered by its long journey through space, and it teleports Adam Strange to Rann.

On a world 25 trillion miles from Earth, Adam meets Alanna, a woman and her scientist father, Sardath. Using their advanced technology they teach Adam their language. Adam then gets a tour of the planet from Alanna. Rann itself was more advanced than Earth, but a great war caused much technology to be lost, and a majority of its population has reverted to barbarism.

While exploring the city-state of Kamorak, Adam and Alanna come under attack from alien invaders searching for the element Vitatron. Alanna believes it exists in Samakand, a city which only appears once every 25 years. Adam and Alanna contact the scientists of Samakand and are able to lure the invaders there and trap them in the fourth dimension.

After the threat has passed, the Zeta radiation in Adam’s body wears off, and he is transported back to Earth. Having found a new home and new love on Rann, Adam calculates the next occurrence of the Zeta Beam which will once again return him to Rann.

Next is the origin of the Atomic Knights, "The Rise of the Atomic Knights" from Strange Adventures #117 by John Broome and Murphy Anderson. Gardner Grayle, a man who is statistically the average soldier, has survived World War III, which took place from October 9, 1986 to October 29, 1986 and lasted only 20 days. In the post-holocaust world, all plant and animal life has been destroyed. The only remaining food supplies are being hoarded by a tyrant called the Black Baron.

Grayle is attacked by looters trying to rob him. He escapes, then helps another man, Douglas Herald, fend off the attackers. Grayle and Herald discover a set of six medieval suits of armor that have become resistant to radiation. The two men decide to use the suits to attack the Baron's stronghold. They recruit three other men to join the fight, leaving the last suit of armor behind because it is too small.

The five men assault the Baron's stronghold wearing the armor which resists the tyrant's ray guns. The Baron nearly kills Grayle, but he is rescued by an unknown person wearing the sixth suit of armor. After the Baron is defeated, the sixth knight is revealed to be Marene, Herald's sister. The six knights agree to stay together to fight for justice in the post-apocalyptic world.

DC Comics Presents #57, the post-World War III reality within the Atomic Knights series is said to be a computer simulation run by the real Gardner Grayle. However, Hercules Unbound #10 links the Atomic Knights to Kamandi, Omac, and Hercules. Either the events depicted in the series happened outside the simulation or DC just has some really screwy continuity.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Beware the Creeper #6

Beware the Creeper #6 (On Sale: January 21, 1969), the last issue of this title, has a wonderful, dramattic Gil Kane cover.

"A Time to Die" is written by Denny O'Neil, pencilled by Steve Ditko and Jack Sparling and inked by Mike Peppe. Over at The Comics Bulletin Thom Young did a very in-depth look at Ditko at DC entitled, Ditko Shrugged. He has doubts that Ditko actually drew any of this issue or any of last issue for that matter, though he does think that Steve Ditko may have provided rough layouts that Mike Peppe or Jack Sparling or someone turned into final pages. It's a good read, though I don't think Neal Adams drew parts of Beware the Creeper #5 as Young does.

Back to this issue, continuing from last issue, Proteus leaves the Creeper to die by drowning in a sewer tunnel. Before he departs, the villain reveals that he is Jack Ryder's roommate Rip Cord. The Creeper manages to avoid drowning and escapes the tunnel. He then tracks down Proteus who is impersonating the governor. The two men battle above the dam, which Proteus is trying to destroy. The Creeper prevails when Proteus falls over the edge with explosives and dies in the explosion.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

Anthro #5

Anthro #5 (On Sale: January 21, 1969) has a cover by Howie Post.

"The River of No Return" is written and drawn by Howie Post. Anthro and his family escape from Katara on a log raft. In the rapids, Anthro falls into the water and is separated from the others. Ne-Ahn gets his family to safety then looks for Anthro. The boy has washed up on shore and is forced to climb the nearby rocks to avoid a group of bears. Anthro finds a clan of bear hunters led by his uncle Do-Ahn. Anthro and Do-Ahn then make their way to Ne-Ahn and the other members of his family. Ne-Ahn and Do-Ahn are reunited for the first time in years. Anthro then receives word that Embra, his betrothed, is migrating south with her family.

Edited by Joe Orlando.

Robert Goodin covers Wonder Woman 155

Original cover by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito; 1965 DC . Robert Goodin's website is here.

Freitag, 16. Januar 2009

Spectre #9

Spectre #9 (On Sale: January 16, 1969) has a cover by Nick Cardy.

We begin with an untitled story by Mike Friedrich and Jerry Grandenetti. Detective Jim Corrigan and a police sergeant track down a criminal known as Sharky. When they try to make the arrest, the sergeant is shot. This causes the Spectre to emerge, and he kills the shooter. Corrigan is upset with the Spectre and lapses into unconsciousness after denying the Spectre access to reenter his body.

The Spectre is called before the powers that created him. He is pronounced a failure and forced to relinquish his power. He is given a book and tasked with the responsibility to observe and judge the lives within.

Next is "Abraca-Doom" by Denny O'Neil and Bernie Wrightson. This would be Bernie Wrightson's second strip for DC and his first super-hero work (if you consider the Spectre to be a super-hero). The Spectre investigates the life of Fredrick Foost, a small-time magician. Foost bargains with the Devil, who gives him a magic wand known as Abraca-Doom. Foost uses the wand to achieve fame as a professional magician. He then begins amassing power by making himself the ruler of a small country. The Spectre continues to withhold judgment, until Foost presses for additional power. Foost then encounters his old assistant Willard who made the same bargain with the Devil as his old boss. The two magicians then must pay the price for their demonic bargains as the Devil collects their souls. Reprinted in House of Mystery #224.

Lastly is "Shadow Show" by Mark Hanerfeld and Jack Sparling. Mark Hanerfeld was an assistant editor at DC and the original model for Abel, the soon-to-be host of the House of Secrets. This is the first of two stories he would write for DC. Mark belonged to a Queens' comic book fan group called T.I.S.O.S., or The Illegitimate Sons of Superman. Other members included Marv Wolfman and Len Wein. In the photo above are Hanerfeld, Wolfman and Wein.

A crook named Hickey evades police by hiding in the shadows. However, as he escapes, the crook begins feeling paranoia. Hickey feels the shadows chasing him, so he tries to remain in the light. When he finally reaches his home Hickey meets the Spectre and is apprehended. Reprinted in House of Mystery #225.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

Flash #186

Flash #186 (On Sale: January 16, 1969) has fairly nice cover by Ross Andru and Mike Esposito.

"Time Times Three Equals -- ?" is by Mike Friedrich, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. This is Mike Friedrich's first Flash story and he uses it to reintroduce Golden Age hero Sargon the Sorcerer, who plays the part of villain in this story. Over the next three years Friedrich will write four more issue of the Flash. While Barry Allen is hospitalized after contracting a virus while visiting the 23rd century, Sargon the Sorcerer makes contact with Professor Zoom in the 25th century. Using the Ruby of Life, Sargon is able to break Zoom out of jail and bring him back to the 20th century. Sargon wants Zoom to teach him the secrets of time travels, but the Reverse-Flash only wants to take revenge on his nemesis.

Sargon casts a spell using an extra uniform from the Flash Museum to make the Flash appear dead. Robbed of his revenge against the Flash, Zoom uses Sargon's own magic against him, trapping the Sorcerer in the nether world of Chimano.

Unable to free himself, Sargon summons the Flash who is able to bring them both back to Earth. Professor Zoom who has been on worldwide crime spree then battles the Flash and shrinks him to tiny size. The Flash is able to free himself using Sargon's ruby. He then defeats Zoom, but Sargon himself has disappeared.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Batman #210

Batman #210 (On Sale: January 16, 1969) has a great cover by Neal Adams. I remember seeing this on the stands and having to have it now!

"The Case of the Purr-Loined Pearl" is by Frank Robbins, Irv Novick and Joe Giella. Since her parole, Catwoman has opened a slenderizing salon and sold her crime accessories. Batman still suspects that she will return to crime and deduces that she will strike at a visiting leader from Katmandu. Batman's hunch is correct, because Selina has trained eight female ex-convicts to help her with the job. All nine women dressed as Catwoman then infiltrate Wayne Manor where the Nizam of Nepal is staying with the Potala Pearl. Batman and Robin are waiting for Catwoman to strike and despite help from her allies, Catwoman is caught.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Fred Hembeck covers The Peacemaker 3

Original cover by Pat Boyette; 1967 Charlton. Fred Hembeck's website is here. Fred has actually done many covers and you can see some here and commission one here.

Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

Green Lantern #67

Green Lantern #67 (On Sale: January 14, 1969) has a cover by Gil Kane and Dick Giordano.

We begin with "Green Lantern Does His Ring-Thing" by Gardner Fox, Dick Dillin and Joe Giella. This book is really Gardner Fox's last work for DC as he has been fired. His first work for DC was in Detective Comics #4, June 1937, a Speed Saunders story entitled "The Mystery of San Jose Island." Fox wrote 1,487 stories for DC in his thirty-two year career. He would go on to write for Marvel for a short time, doing Dr. Strange and Tomb of Dracula. Besides his prodigious comic work Fox also wrote over 100 novels and a number of pulp stories. During a short stint on Batman, Fox created the Batarang and the Batplane and then moved on to create new characters including The Sandman, Starman, Dr. Fate, Hawkman, The Justice Society of America and the Flash. For Columbia Fox created Skyman and The Face.

In the Silver Age Gardner Fox created revamped versions of Hawkman, the Flash, the Spectre and the Atom as well as creating The Justice League of America. In 1968 Gardner Fox, Bill Finger, Otto Binder, and Arnold Drake went to DC and asked for health insurance and other benefits and were summarily fired. Fox spent the last 6 years of his life in the Princeton Medical Center, in New Jersey and died on December 24th 1986.

After being released from prison, ex-convict Bill Baggett travels to Evergreen City where Green Lantern has been operating. He has been improving his will power and when Green Lantern is near, Baggett is able to tap into the power ring. Baggett avoids meeting Green Lantern personally and uses the power for crime.

Green Lantern becomes suspicious after his power ring acts against him. He eventually discovers that Baggett is behind the crimes when he finds duplicate currency which the crook created with power ring energy. Green Lantern traces Baggett with the currency. After defeating the crook, he tries to ensure that Baggett will never be able to steal power from the ring again.

The back-up Green Lantern Corps story, "The First Green Lantern," is by Gardner Fox and Sid Greene. Long ago on the planet Rojira two races existed separated by a lava field. On one side were the warlike Rulanns that were shaped like starfish. The Rulanns constantly fought one another, but their regenerative abilities prevented any side from prevailing. On the other side of the planet lived the peaceful humanoids called the Jirenn.

One day Korad of the Rulann was able to cross the lava field and find the Jirenn. The humanoids were not used to fighting and Korad planned to conquer them. One member of the Jirenn, Rori Dag, stood up and fought Korad. While he was inspirational to his people, he lacked the tools to fight the Rulann.

The Guardians of the Universe observed the events on Rojira and decides to intervene. They gave Rori a power ring and battery with which to battle the Rulann. They told him to use the ring for good and not to kill with it. Rori was able to defeat Korad and return him to the Rulann side of Rojira. He then sealed the gap that allowed the creature to cross the lava field. Pleased with Rori's success, the Guardians made Rori Dag the first of the new Green Lantern Corps.

Edited by Julius Schwartz.

Girls' Romances #139

Girls' Romances #139 (On Sale: January 14, 1969) has a cover inked by Dick Giordano. Next issue the logo will be slightly modified.

We begin with "It's Over -- All Over" drawn by Tony Abruzzo. Next is "A Searching Love" inked by Bernard Sachs. Lastly is "How to Get Your Man."

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Binky's Buddies #2

Binky's Buddies #2 (On Sale: January 14, 1969) has a cover by Bob Oksner.

We begin with Binky's Buddies in "Winter Ice-Folly," followed by Buzzy in "Puppy Love. " Next is Benny in "Where There's a Will..." and Peggy in an untitled story. Lastly we have Binky in "Beach Dummy." We have no credit for anything in this book.

Edited by Joe Orlando.

Angel and the Ape #3

Angel and the Ape #3 (On Sale: January 14, 1969) has a cover by Bob Oksner.

"The Curse of the Avarice Clan" is drawn by Bob Oksner and Wally Wood. Angel is hired by lawyer B. Craven Quail to protect Cad Avarice on Avarice Island. Several of the Avarice heirs are murdered in the castle. Angel searches for the killer and identifies Miss Hemlock, the cook. Sam Simeon then arrives on the scene having followed Stan Bragg to the castle who has escaped from the asylum. Angel and Sam then expose the lawyer Quail as the man behind the killings. He was embezzling money from Avarice and was attempting to kill all the heirs including Angel who is a distant cousin of Cad Avarice. When Cad dies, Angel inherits the estate as the only surviving relative, but she learns the estate is now worthless.

Edited by Joe Orlando.

Johnny Ryan covers Uncle Scrooge 120

Original cover by Carl Barks; Gold Key 1975. Cover reprinted from Uncle Scrooge #26; 1957, Dell. Johnny Ryan's website is here.

Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009

Karaoke Terror

What is wrong with this picture? Well for one thing, the guy's got a makeshift spear sticking out of his neck and, in addition, appears to be having a hell of a piss as he expires from his wound (seems he was doing his business up against a fence when a woman on a scooter came by and harpooned him). This is one of several violent set pieces that serve more as MacGuffins than truly defining moments in what is essentially an offbeat indie film, rather than anything deeply dark or transgressive.

I'll admit I was a bit disappointed by Karaoke Terror (2003), a film that seems to want to stand alongside cinematic works like Dead or Alive and Battle Royale, but in the end just doesn't have the goods. Don't get me wrong, it has its own special charm, but charm isn't what I was looking for in a tale of two groups of karaoke pals (young guys in one, middle-aged women in the other) who wage an ever-escalating war against one another after one of the guys casually slashes one of the women to death in a rainy garden. It's based on the novel Popular Hits of the Showa Era by Ryu Murakami (who also gave us Audition), and I wonder if the source material wasn't a bit more intense than this playful rendering.

Great cast, though. There's Masanobu Asano, memorable for his red-headed psycho in Battle Royale and plucky boxer in Kid's Return; Ryuhei Matsuda, the androgynous Shinsengumi member in Taboo and the boa constrictor-wearing God/Satan character in Izo; Kayoko Kishimoto, Beat Takeshi's dying wife in Fireworks; Yoshio Harada, who's been in more great films than I could begin to list here (try Hunter in the Dark and Roningai for starters); and the manga-cute Miwako Ichikawa, who co-starred with Harada in Another Heaven.

Karaoke Terror isn't a bad movie, just a little too precious for this dark cinema aficionado.

Eric Skillman covers Adventures of Superman 438

Original cover by Jerry Ordway; DC 1988. Eric Skillman's website is here.

Montag, 12. Januar 2009

Jeffrey Brown covers Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars 10

Original cover by Mike Zeck and Terry Austin; Marvel Comics, 1985. Jeffrey Brown's website is here.

Seeding of a Ghost

Is it really necrophilia if both sex partners are dead? What if the woman's corpse gets it on with the disembodied spirit of a man who'd previously raped her? And if, afterwards, the corpse's belly, fed with the blood of her grieving widower, distends into a glowing, pregnant orb and somehow discharges a monstrous hell spawn from the womb of the wife of the man who'd been the corpse woman's lover that in turn mutilates and dismembers the guests at a mah jong get-together, that's a good thing, right? It's questions like these that you'll have to face while looking on in horror at the Category III movie madness that is Seeding of a Ghost (1983), one of the most shockingly grotesque films ever to emerge from Hong Kong's own Shaw Brothers Studios. Most folks think of kung fu fighting when they hear the Shaw Brothers' name, but the studio cranked out a fair amount of jaw-dropping horror as well, as here in this film I only wish I'd covered in Asia Shock. I should mention that along the way we get scenes of people vomiting worms; a witchdoctor casting evil spells, his facial features growing more disfigured with every hex; a guy eating brains out of a coconut, washing it down with blood; a lot of nudity; some kung fu action; oh and that demonic thing, all fangs and tentacles, with a retractable human head to boot. Sure it gets a bit cheesy at times, like when an enterprising doctor jams a barbell into the jaws of the beast to comedic effect, but overall this is one outrageous splatterfest you won't want to miss.

Freitag, 9. Januar 2009

Young Love #73

Young Love #73 (On Sale: January 9, 1969) gets a new logo and a Dick Giordano cover to show it off on.

We begin with "Come to Me" a reprint from Falling In Love #30. Next is "When Love Has Gone". Lastly is an untitled Lisa St. Claire story, most likely written or plotted by Dick Giordano.

Edited by Dick Giordano.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #118

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #118 (On Sale: January 9, 1969) has one of those stunningly odd "hippie" cover that only DC could do. This one is drawn by Neal Adams.

"The Touch of Life" is by E. Nelson Bridwell and Pete Costanza. While vacationing in the American southwest Jimmy Olsen saves the life of Indian shaman Great Cloud. The Indian rewards Jimmy by granting him the power to temporarily animate pictures, bringing them to life for an hour at a time. When Jimmy returns to Metropolis he uses the new power to foil crime.

The crooks decide to make Jimmy's power work for them by using him to animate a portrait of Lex Luthor holding a chunk of Kryptonite. The animated portrait then uses the Kryptonite against Superman and kills him. The crooks rejoice at their victory only to learn that the dead Man of Steel is really just a duplicate animated by Jimmy. The real Superman rounds up the crooks, then Jimmy destroys kachina doll which gave him his power.

We end with our cover story, "Hippie Olsen's Hate-In" by Otto Binder and Pete Costanza. Jimmy joins a group of hippies to get a story for the Daily Planet. The hippies are secretly led by two disguised criminals who decide to use Jimmy to destroy Superman. They make Jimmy attack the Man of Steel with Kryptonite by convincing him that he is only dreaming. Olsen realizes that he is not dreaming and thwarts the crooks' plan. Superman then counsels the hippies, explaining that they are easy targets for con artists. Wow, I'm sure Uncle Mortie loved this story.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Our Fighting Forces #118

Our Fighting Forces #118 (On Sale: January 9, 1969) features a Joe Kubert Lt. Hunter's Hellcats cover.

This issue begins with Lt. Hunter's Hellcats in "Hell Underwater" by Robert Kanigher and Artie Saaf. This is Artie Saaf's second story for DC, the first being a romance story in 1967. Saaf would do all kinds of work for DC for the next ten years or so, from romance and horror to Binky and Scooter, Lois Lane, Supergirl and the Teen Titans.

The back-up stories are "Battle Light" from Our Army At War #41 and produced by Robert Kanigher and Irv Novick and "Yankee Stallion" written and drawn by Fred Ray.

Edited by Joe Kubert.

Mittwoch, 7. Januar 2009

Tomahawk #121

Tomahawk #121 (On Sale: January 7, 1969) features another stunning cover by Neal Adams. Nobody else did anything even remotely close to this quality in 1969.

This issue sported two Tomahawk stories. "To Kill a Ranger" is by Robert Kanigher and Frank Thorne began the book. "Aim Your Cannons at Me" by Howard Liss and Frank Thorne came next. It was reprinted in Sgt. Rock Special #7.

Edited by Murray Boltinoff.

Superboy #154

Superboy #154 (On Sale: January 7, 1969) has a cover by Irv Novick with an inking assist by Neal Adams.

"Blackout for Superboy" is by Frank Robbins, Bob Brown and Wally Wood. Superboy rescues a fisherman who places a second adhesive emblem on top of Superboy's chest. The emblem contains a transmitter which allows the fisherman to fire a heat ray from long range that makes Superboy think his heat vision is out of control.

Superboy dons a pair of lead glasses and summons Krypto to lead him without sight. Though his crime fighting abilities are hampered, Krypto's assistance allows him to continue. Dr. Dento, the fisherman, then tries to eliminate Krypto with synthetic Red Kryptonite. Superboy removes the lead glasses to help Krypto and learns that his eyesight is normal. Krypto discover the emblem transmitter which leads them to Dr. Dento, who is then taken into custody.

Edited by Mort Weisinger.

Secret Hearts #134

Secret Hearts #134 (On Sale: January 7, 1969) has a very nice cover by Neal Adams, I think the only romance cover Adams ever did. This is the last issue of Secret Hearts to us this logo.

We begin with "I Had to Run Away to Find Myself..." penciled by John Rosenberger. That is followed by "Not Even a Dream" which is reprinted from Falling In Love #29. We end with "Reach for happiness -- Episode 25."

Edited by Joe Orlando in his last issue as editor.