Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

PREVIEW: Unknown Soldier #24

Ever since I found out that Unknown Soldier was getting canceled at #25, I stopped looking for it on the racks on my increasingly infrequent trips to the comic shop. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the best written comics in stores today, among my favorite books in years... I just get depressed that it got canceled. I'm hoping DC/Vertigo will collect the book into one of those giant hardcovers, or at least publish the whole series in TPB form. anyways, I copped this preview art from issue #24 off'a CBR.

here's the Sales Pitch:
Two men sit at a table. One is a WWII veteran, a highly placed secret agent known only by the code name Unknown Soldier. The other is a psychologically deconstructed ghost named Moses Lwanga. Tonight, one will tell the other his story – and the course of their lives will be changed forever.

I think it's interesting and unexpected that Dysart appears to be tying Moses' character to the existing Unknown Soldier character, or at least he appears to be... at the very least, he is getting more into the relationship between the book's African protagonist his American namesake. Good stuff.

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